So I work in a wellness center as part of the staff but also teach classes and personal train.

An old client of mine started bringing her friend to workout with her. She took a class of mine and ended up liking it and came a couple of times. My old client was interested in training with me but I really am to booked up to accept any more clients. I explained this via email.

Well this new girl wanted a free workout, which we offer at the gym. She asked for my help so I helped her a couple of times. She brought up the fact I wasn't able to accept any new clients. I told her I might could squeeze her in somewhere for a half hour session.

We ended up working this out. She is young (mid-20s) and already runs 5K several times a week and does Barre classes at another gym, so I was surprised she wanted to spend the money to train with me.

Anyways she is really friendly. Always makes good eye contact with me, but then again she is a friendly person by nature to people she knows.

Well today (Saturday) I trained her again. She normally wears a tshirt and athletic shorts to workout in, but today she wore this really revealing tank top. She is blessed up top and flowing out of her top. On Saturdays hardly anyone comes to this wellness center.

I kept it professional and provided a solid workout for her. We have good communication.

She also knows I am married but never brings my wife up. Most of my clients at some point will end up talking about my wife and child.

I don't know just trying to read her and see if she likes me or something. I am not going to lie my relationship with my wife has been pretty rough the past several years. Some ups but alot of hard downs. We have spoken of divorce several times.

This girl has a lot of attributes that I wish my wife had (highly organized, self motivated, driven, disciplined, etc.). The point of me saying that is I don't know if I am just hoping she likes me or if I am really picking up that she might be interested. She plays with her hair but she never touches me or anything. We kid around alot but nothing beyond that.

So am I just wishing or is there something to this? By the way she has had a membership for years and hardly used it but now is coming consistently even on some days we dont train.

Thanks for any input.