cannot see the forest for the trees. is there racism? sure but not rampant like these dumbass BLM douche nozzles say. michael brown was a robber who fought a cop, not a martyr. there is a reason why cops do not get charged in the shootings of "unarmed" people (not just my black brothers and sisters) it was merited. mike brown caught those bullets because he put himself in a situation where he deserved it. if he had not robbed a store then fought a cop, guess what. he would be alive today.

say rich guy sitting on the sideline during the anthem! HEY DUMBASS! EDUCATE YOURSELF!

Adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown of the U.S. population, he said black men are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white men. But also adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown in violent crime, the data actually show that police are less likely to kill black suspects than white ones.
“If one adjusts for the racial disparity in the homicide rate or the rate at which police are feloniously killed, whites are actually more likely to be killed by police than blacks,” said Mr. Moskos, a former Baltimore cop and author of the book “Cop in the Hood.”
“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” he said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”