I'm sure we have some casual drinkers on here. Thats fine. But if you ever come to my house, you can drink water and thats it. Im going to throw a Labor day harvest party here soon, with a big barbecue. Guess what? NO BEER! NO BOOZE. If someone shows up with beer, I will kick their ass off my property in a heartbeat.

I had a girl who used to work for me die of alcohol at the age of 45. I saw her about a month before she died and she looked horrible and could barely talk she was so shaky. At one time she was a female fitness competitor and she just wasted away to nothing all because of beer. She pretended to quit after having to go to the ER for pancreatitis about 15 times...
I saw her husband a couple months ago and I asked him what happened. He said she lied and said she wasnt drinking, but was at home drinking every day while he was at work.

Another friend, real athletic guy, wife and daughter, drank himself to death in 2014

A dentist I know, 2 daughters, drank himself to death at 52.

You aint going to get me convinced that alcohol is a fun beverage like they want you to believe. It is one of the most evil drugs in the world and destroys millions of lives every year.

The most interesting man in the world my ass,he is probably impotent from low testosterone from all that beer.