Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
Yes, he would be the best president out of the 3. I have no doubt. But I have to go with Trump because a vote for johnson is a vote for Hillary.
PS- I voted for libertarian Bob Barr in 2008 because I couldnt stand to vote for that pos traitor john mccain
yeah same here it depends on my state. if it's a really close race between Hillary and trump in my state, im gonna vote trump strictly because of the Supreme Court nominations and the second amendment issue. if it's not even close then I will vote Johnson. I just wish the libertarians would put up a good candidate. I like their stance on all the issues it's just that Johnson is not The best person to represent the libertarian ideas. they need someone with more charisma that could better explain things without coming across as a little weird. Rand Paul is really good at explaining things and he didn't come across like a wacko. someone like him but more libertarian would be good.