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    Thread: Bank Account sole or joint

    1. #1
      horsepwr's Avatar
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      Default Bank Account sole or joint

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      • Bank Account sole or joint
      • Bank Account sole or joint
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      • Bank Account sole or joint
      • Bank Account sole or joint
      • Bank Account sole or joint
      I have opened a sole bank account. I guess in a way that could be taken as distrust, but I do have trust issues which I'm well aware of. But the main reason for going solo account is because I don't trust sensitive info such as banking info being at someone else's disposal...I guess "disposal" isn't that good of word for reason. I don't want my funds able to be transferred back and forth.
      Am I wrong in opening a sole account without my significant other?
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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      I have opened a sole bank account. I guess in a way that could be taken as distrust, but I do have trust issues which I'm well aware of. But the main reason for going solo account is because I don't trust sensitive info such as banking info being at someone else's disposal...I guess "disposal" isn't that good of word for reason. I don't want my funds able to be transferred back and forth.
      Am I wrong in opening a sole account without my significant other?

      I assume you are married? noone can say you are wrong, if its how you want it than so be it. I would not do that or want that done in my marriage. Marriage should be based on trust and to me that is not trusting. When fuzo and I got married, i owned a condo, people asked if I was putting him on title? I thought that was crazy even to ask me that. I never thought twice of anything that was mine not also becoming his. Besides all that, if noone else is on the account and something happens to you it can become a mess
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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      I have opened a sole bank account. I guess in a way that could be taken as distrust, but I do have trust issues which I'm well aware of. But the main reason for going solo account is because I don't trust sensitive info such as banking info being at someone else's disposal...I guess "disposal" isn't that good of word for reason. I don't want my funds able to be transferred back and forth.
      Am I wrong in opening a sole account without my significant other?
      If the wife and u know the bills and she is not a over spender like mine I see no point.unless she is up to no good.
      My wife use to make 1/3 of what I did but now more like 2/3

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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      We have a joint every dime I make goes to her but I trust her with my everything.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      I have opened a sole bank account. I guess in a way that could be taken as distrust, but I do have trust issues which I'm well aware of. But the main reason for going solo account is because I don't trust sensitive info such as banking info being at someone else's disposal...I guess "disposal" isn't that good of word for reason. I don't want my funds able to be transferred back and forth.
      Am I wrong in opening a sole account without my significant other?
      Yes you should open a sole account but put it in her name. Everything I own is Trixie's. From the 1st day of marriage I told her if she wanted to leave me she can have it all and I start over again. Real men work for their spouse and children and give all they have.
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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      Quote Originally Posted by Rake View Post
      Yes you should open a sole account but put it in her name. Everything I own is Trixie's. From the 1st day of marriage I told her if she wanted to leave me she can have it all and I start over again. Real men work for their spouse and children and give all they have.

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      IRON-GAME's Avatar
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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      Quote Originally Posted by Rake View Post
      Yes you should open a sole account but put it in her name. Everything I own is Trixie's. From the 1st day of marriage I told her if she wanted to leave me she can have it all and I start over again. Real men work for their spouse and children and give all they have.
      I agree to that. I'll add crazy as it sounds having a joint account was something I always wanted. It is a form of intimacy, love. Don't get me wrong my wife overspends. Sometimes it upsets me because it seems like she doesn't get it. But in truth if it makes her happy it makes me happy. I'll make more...
      I'm not saying this is healthy but it's the way it is. For me..

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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      I have been with my wife for 14yrs and married for ten. We had a joint account but for me it didn't feel I lick I was buying her a gift or dinner or whatever if it came from a joint account. It might sound silly but I like feeling like I'm treating her to dinner where as with joint account it feels like the "household" is taking us to dinner. Part of me also didn't want to have the money I spent on stuff for myself (and especially gear) clearly visible to anyone but me. While my wife really never bothers me about what I spend on what as long as all bills are paid I still feel it could be a sensitive subject. My wife and I have always had a pretty good system of splitting up our bills from the minute we moved in together and have always worked it out. I also think some of wanting to have separate accounts has to do with wanting to feel like the provider too.
      Another reason this works for us is my wife is a saver where as I am not. So I try to pay most of the bills so she can save money for rainy days or trips or whatever. My only savings accounts are my 401k, ira and our life insurance policies.

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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      I'm a saver and can track all my spending in my head with in 100 bucks. She can spend every dime and not have a clue what she bought.. I believe in always having X amount in my account and control my spending to meet those goals with someone taking all the time I wouldn't be able to track or save.

      if she needs money she has access but I will be able to see where and how much is taken.. with that if she didn't live so check to check things would be different but what cha gonna do

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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      I'm a saver and can track all my spending in my head with in 100 bucks. She can spend every dime and not have a clue what she bought.. I believe in always having X amount in my account and control my spending to meet those goals with someone taking all the time I wouldn't be able to track or save.

      if she needs money she has access but I will be able to see where and how much is taken.. with that if she didn't live so check to check things would be different but what cha gonna do

    11. #11
      apbt549's Avatar
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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      my ex wife we had separate accounts. she just could mange money.. my current wife we have a joint accounts.. she doesn't want anything to do with the bills.. she lets me take care of them which is not a problem for me.. she doesn't spend wrecklessly and if she want to buy something she will ask me.. but she also knows there is always money in the account for her to be taken care of.. she wants to get her hair done she gets it done she wants to get nails done they get done.. she doesn't want for anything but its nice she ask before she spends a couple hundred dollars to make sure it ok..

      I say do what you feel is right.. if this is your wife I think you to need to sit down and talk about the bills and the money coming and going.. if this is just a new girlfriend then no keep your account yours until the day comes when she is more then just a new girlfriend..

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      hmmm, that is a good question...I understand the reasoning but it is probably for something deeper going on....How long have you been together? did you feel the need to ever open on before? My girlfriend and i have solos but also one joint...I wanted her to know I trust her and love her...Now, that isn't the only way but it was MY way of showing...and she's someone I want to marry. But the irony is she wil NOT use it lol...I'm like Rake...I will provide until the day I die...shes young and feisty and progressive, hates when I buy her stuff lol

      Opening one out of the blue will spark distrust but maybe because something else is going on, make sense?!

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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      I'm getting married next year and we will most likely have a joint account. For us it works, as we're both the same and pretty frugal. I guess it really depends on the couple though.
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      Default Re: Bank Account sole or joint

      We have had joint account since we got engaged after being together 3.5 months. Not saying it's a good idea but it was fine for us. Been together 3.25 years and married 1 year 2 months

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      • Bank Account sole or joint
      i am on our accounts but i dont handle any of the transactions whatsoever. since i spent the majority of the first part of my marriage deployed or in the field my wife has handled everything since day one. so i have no problem with her handling it and i have never had an issue with it. i have known a couple guys whose wives spent x amount out of their joint accounts while they were deployed and they served divorce papers on them. i am of the mindset that if you are married it is both of yours. not like roomates
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