I got convicted yesterday for Assault Causing Bodily Injury. It all happened like this: This punkass***** filed the charges on me and I never touched him. He claimed I hit his ear and it was red. He filed a harassment complaint with the company I worked for, saying that I threatened him. I did threaten to break him in half after he kept running his mouth off. Every word out of his mouth was a smart-ass comment so I got sick of it and threaten to take him outside. He then reported me to the company and without hearing my side I was fired. This all happened 18 months ago. After I was told I was fired, I went off and confronted this dude at work and his 2 buddies tried to intervene, an we all went to the ground, it was on, 3 on 1, and then several fellow coworkers broke it up. That’s when he filed the charges claiming that I rushed in an punched him in the ear. He had 3 witnesses to my 1. They where all best of friends so they vouched for him and so I got charged. I went to court and thought there was no way they had a case so we took it to a jury trial and they convicted me. The fat ass judge sentenced me to a year in county and $1500.00 fine. My attorney plead my case with the judge that I had a family to support and the state let me off on 2 years supervised probation. The state also brought up my priors that happened 13 years ago. I got in trouble in high school (when I was young and dumb) selling drugs. I got a deferred sentence on that and served out my probation. I thought a deferred meant they couldn’t use that against you in a court law? Well they did. Is this what are justice system has come to when they can still use this shit?