What is it about driving a car that can turn normal people into homicidal maniacs? Today I was driving along the interstate and see this newer BMW in the left lane suddenly changes lanes with no signal and right into another car. The other guy had to swerve to miss the idiot. So I go hauling ass to catch up with the bmw to let him have a piece of my mind for almost causing an accident...Hauling ass at about 75 mph...as I get up next to him , I lay on the horn and start rolling down the window to call him an idiot...Suddenly I thought about this incident in New Orleans and rolled the window back up. But I still let him have it with my horn. But even honking is not safe anymore.

I bet you all can think of times when road rage got the best of you. I have, Im embarrassed to admit. Got to do whatever it takes to avoid road rage. The will smith thing looks to be a hit and run which led to this dude shooting him. But in the back? That doesnt sound like self defense but who knows.
A harsh reminder of the dangers of road rage. Sad.