If you haven't been paying attention you all need too. The link is to video that will make your heart sink. LaVoy was actually a well known AZ cowboy. A peaceful cowboy. The bs FBI story and shitty video about it being a justified shooting are a crock of shit. I beg you to listen to this full video where you can here the young girl praying out loud, where you see shots hitting the veh before its stopped and Lavoy shot immediately as he exits.

This all is part of a great conspiracy that many aren't connecting. These LAND grabs by the Feds are happening everywhere and go to a socialistic prediction back in the 20's about the need to push people back to the cities where control can be established. There's a lot more to this but it's unfolding before our eyes. I saw this first hand in Alaska this past year as 100 year homestead permits were revoked and families pushed from their homes. I see it AZ with BLM land and it's not hard to look up areas like Texas and NM that have public stories in the news.

I can go on for hours about this but all I ask is you educate yourself. There was no "white terrorism" in OR. There was ranchers standing for their land and homes. I can't fully agree with their strategy at all but if your home and cattle was illegally burnt out by Feds wouldn't you do something? I know I would!

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