i like Carson but he would get crushed by Hillary in the general election because she would play dirty and Carson would play nice and would lose just like what happened to Romney in 2012. you cant play nice against Democrats in the general election because they will be as dirty as can be to win !!!
Cruz is my number 1 choice but i worry that if he is elected he would spend to much time dividing the congress and not ever get anything done because he would not be willing to compromise some positions to get shit done.
Trump would beat Hillary or Bernie because he would fight as dirty as needed to win. i can only imagine the dirt he would sling at the Clintons during the general election and that in itself would be fun to watch lol
although Trump hasnt really presented any real plans on how he is going to make America great again, i believe he does know exactly what he needs to do afterall he didnt build a multi billion $$$ empire by winging it