I would say also knowing who your target is critical. If you want families then typically you want to have daycare, classes (most females love classes), dont have alot of loud muscled up folks in the gym etc.

If you want hardcore clients then choose what type of hardcore clients you want (powerlifters, bodybuilders, olympic lifters, crossfit, athletes, etc.)

For example if you do crossfit gym then dont expect many bodybuilders as crossfit is all body weight, free weights, and gymnastic movements. Bodybuilders I think you would want free weights and variety of machines.

Powerlifters and olympic lifters I would think primarily free weights with some things like reverse hypers etc. thrown into the mix.

Also if you want to increase membership maybe find the best trainers in the area (best meaning who has tons of clients). Offer them a free place to train (meaning dont take any of there personal training money, as long as they bring in client memberships).

I am sure you can find tons of good info out there on google and in forums of others who have done what you want to do and learn from them.

If I ever opened a gym personally I would rather go after a small niche and keep overhead as low as possible (personal training studio, group class studio, "Box aka crossfit gym, etc.)

Another way to get money is find instructors that are reputable and have a strong following and again offer free membership and no fees if they can bring members in.