KidRado: so how is my pudgy wudgy doing
Pudgy: doing fine,miss my kidrado
KidRado: do you want to come over to my place for milk and cookies and some SALAD
Pudgy: sure why not,do you want me to wear my slutty outfit
KidRado: what outfit would that be
Pudgy: the leather outfit with the small hole at the end
KidRado: WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO bring it one pudgy wudgy
Pudgy: I wore it for Auriflexy,he liked it
KidRado: wait a minute,is my pudgy wudgy cheating on me
Pudgy: opps,shouldn't have said that
KidRado: you motherfucking kid,you slut,you *****,you two timing piece of filth,I'm going home to mother
Pudgy: Damn fucking *****es anyway,can't sleep with them can't sleep without them,oh well I'm going over to Auri's house and wax his chest hairs,later ***** kid
