Quote Originally Posted by bossman View Post
Some of Ben Carson's ideas:

Obamacare is like slavery
He would assault a gunman unarmed to prevent deaths in massacres
Prison proves that being gay is a "choice"
A woman who supports abortion is a like a slave owner
Obamacare is worse than the 9/11 attacks
Democrats and Liberals are like ****'s in **** Germany

how anyone could support this guy is beyond me.
i am not a reb or dem and i support the shit out of the above. let's break it down:

ahca: costs more to pay for those that dont have coverage. so basically i am paying for your bullshit so in effect i am working for you and not getting dick in return ie slavery

um this one is pretty cut and dry, i would damn sure try to fight back against someone who was armed to prevent myself or others from dying. this is common fucking sense.

being gay is a choice. i still dont buy into all the gay propaganda and bull shit. if it were a good thing then we would be extinct. it is a mental illness and or a choice/hormone imblance. the pieces to the puzzle dont fit. so hum, i think this one is a no brainer as well. be gay all you want i dont care i just dont want to hear or see it. it is your choice and pref not mine

cant really spin off the slave owner but i will say that if you kill a human being then you are a murderer and i am pretty sure that if something has a heart beat then it is defined as being alive. so even though it is your choice, you are still committing an act of murder by ending that life

could be in costs and considering how many people lost or now cant afford their plans i am sure it will end up killing a lot of people in the long run

well this one i will spin on. those guys were masters at control and propoganda as are the dems and liberals. so i could def see an easy pairing of this one. liberals are some of the most hate filled non tolerant freaking people on the planet when it comes to disagreeing with them. so yeah i can see some similarities in these two.

i would support him over hrc in a freaking heart beat. why is that? well for one the dude hasnt spent his career in politics which is a huge plus. two he is smart as hell and would surround himself with people that would give him great options and guidance. three he isnt quick to go into conflict and says and speaks so. i am for conflict when it is justified and i think he would weigh the benefits and options out before hand. he also went from the ghetto to a world famous surgeon. so i would say other than rubio he is the closest person to know how it has been to need and want or even count out change for something that was needed

hrc, is a piece of trash. she lies, she thinks she is above the law and untouchable. she is one of the fakest people running to date. she is so far from the middle class and out of touch with hard working back breaking people it isnt even funny. imho opinion she is garbage in every single aspect of politics and as a person. you cant give shit out for free, no matter how bad you want to, someone has to pay for it. that's the bottom line other than being above the law, you cant have free shit cause free doesnt exist anywhere