Let me just start out and say...Fuzo is livid, we are both disappointed and feel like agin, loyalty has bit us in the ass!

For those of you with kids in sports, you may understand this. Our daughter is a competitive gymnast and is doing quite well so far. She also has played softball for the past 5 years for the same local Park District. Well the time has come where she has become a real good player, knows the game probably better than most girls her age.

Fuzo has worked with her from day one. She has won the last 2 years homerun derbies, other competitions, fast time running bases. Just an all around type of player that can be put in any position and give it her 100%. Being a gymnast has only helped her in softball even more. The coaches in the league know who she is and she has been in the top 5 of the league the past few years. So this year she is at the age where she can get into full time travel.

We had her try out there and a couple other places. Fuzo and I are the type of parents who have always asked questions, expressed our concerns etc in anything she does. Apparently in our area, they prefer parents who keep their mouth quiet. Not happening! lol So when the roster gets picked our daughter is skipped over...Why? Some BS from the head guy and why again? He is passing a kid up with great potential and he knows damn well what kind of player she is, all because his personal feeling towards us. Other parents were surprised when they heard she was not picked, but of course no one says a word.

She got on an excellent team away from the park district and that is essentially what we wanted anyway. She has much bigger opportunities at this place and it is coached by College softball girls so it will be even better. They were impressed at her tryouts so she was placed on their main team.

Point here is between school and sports it sickens me to see parents that are envious of a child. That is not right. She is the kind of person who does well so far in what she does. We teach her to always remain humble and know that there will always be someone better. Do your best and never give up!