1) as much as I love Fox they are truly pushing the wrong people! None of what they say they saw is what actual people saw!

2) I'm sick and tired of hearing governors and senators tooting all "they have done" when we are in a broken system obviously they aren't doing enough!

3) Ohio's governor and Bush are absolutely jokes! Kick them off the stage.

4) While I love Trumps brashness (and if I ran or politics I'd be the same) and he's saying everything normal Americans are saying he's really not giving actual answers as to what his plans might be! Pretty sure we would be in world war 3 for sure which is the case if I was president too!

5) if you close your eyes and listen to Huckabee speak he "sounds" like a president above and beyond the others. Very articulate.

6) and finally I was appalled how few question Ben Carson was asked. He is the smartest man in the room. We need an Abe Lincoln someone reluctantly thrust into office not a career goon! I think he finished very strong and ashamed fox over looked it. I saw Meagan Kelli attempt to give him props in the post show but some fat analyzer blew her off!

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