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    Thread: Whats your opinion on sex change?

    1. #16
      gusto77's Avatar
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      • Whats your opinion on sex change?
      • Whats your opinion on sex change?
      Quote Originally Posted by LittleTom View Post
      To each their own in this mater. For those who use God in their arguments forget Jesus hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors. I wonder if he would shy away from transsexuals. I don't care for arguments about morality and God. If someone can tell me what they are doing wrong (transsexuals) aside from religious views, id be interested in having that conversation. That being said, I respect the opinions and views of the above stated. If it does not align with your religious stand point, stand up for what you believe. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion.
      I respect your opinion brother but if you read the Bible you'll also see that Jesus never condoned that behavior. Those who use that argument forget that every single time. Christians are supposed to love everyone that doesn't mean we condone that type of behavior just as we're not condone our own sin.
      Last edited by gusto77; 07-04-2015 at 02:09 PM.

    2. #17
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      I agree with guns I think they have something wrong in there head..

      like guns also said why are dykes who hate men act like them and walk like them and want to be with a women who looks like a dude doesn't make sense to me to hey each there own...

      I also don't believe in messing with mother nature.. god or who ever made you a man or a women then that is what you are start playing with mother nature and I feel she will smack your ass and it wont be good...

    3. #18
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      Quote Originally Posted by LittleTom View Post
      To each their own in this mater. For those who use God in their arguments forget Jesus hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors. I wonder if he would shy away from transsexuals. I don't care for arguments about morality and God. If someone can tell me what they are doing wrong (transsexuals) aside from religious views, id be interested in having that conversation. That being said, I respect the opinions and views of the above stated. If it does not align with your religious stand point, stand up for what you believe. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion.
      Little Tom Jesus came to pay for the worlds sin not condone it. Jesus hung out as you call it with sinners because he loved them so much to die for them. You first statement is a false premise so the rest of your argument is false based on that.

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    4. #19
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      I find it interesting that many that promote individualism and not following the crowd are so quick to judgement. I wonder what people think of Bodybuilders who use performance enhancing drugs to take their body's to unnatural levels. Some may consider that odd. I know my opinion would not be popular but it is mine. I do not let what's written in an old book determine my feelings or ideas. I respect those who do however. How can you tell anothe person how to feel. It very well be a mental disease but can you cure it? We need to get over ourselves.
      Last edited by LittleTom; 07-04-2015 at 03:58 PM.
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    5. #20
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      Quote Originally Posted by LittleTom View Post
      I find it interesting that many that promote individualism and not following the crowd are so quick to judgement. I wonder what people think of Bodybuilders who use performance enhancing drugs to take their body's to unnatural levels. Some may consider that odd. I know my opinion would not be popular but it is mine. I do not let what's written in an old book determine my feelings or ideas. I respect those who do however. How can you tell anothe person how to feel. It very well be a mental disease but can you cure it? We need to get over ourselves.
      Little Tom not trying to be mean but you not sharing your point of view. What you are doing now is what is called putting up a straw man. Simple question was at the beginning of the post " What is your opinion on sex change". If you are in favor of it just say so.
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    6. #21
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      Well if you want my blunt opinion (I'm pretty sure by my posts you can tell I'm in favor of letting people choose their sex) is that it is odd and unnatural. That being said I'm in favor for people deciding how they choose to live. I do agree with you that it should not be thrown in our faces. That pisses me off.
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    7. #22
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      Even tho I was brought up in a religious family and old fashion I am very open minded.. What some have said here to each their own and as long as its not involving me then it doesn't bother me.. Their money, their body .. But God does not make mistakes so I also agree with it being some kind of mental disorder. Regardless I believe that public offection or flaunting it should be left at home and not in public places where childdren are watching.. Plus it can lead to serious problems with people who are against these situations and might lead to something harmful to physical fighting or harm.. This is what I read of a percentage of how many people change their sex every year.

      How Many Surgeries Are Performed Each Year?

      The long-term implications of transsexual surgeries may be difficult to grasp on a global basis. One reason is it is nearly impossible to calculate the number of SRSes performed each year, since private facilities are not subject to reporting requirements. Nevertheless, the Surgery Encyclopedia estimates the number of gender reassignment procedures conducted in the United States each year at between 100 and 500, while the global number may be two to five times larger than that, and these figures include surgeries performed on children born with intersex genitalia. However, in a more recent report, Lynn Conway suggests surgeons perform between 800 and 1,000 MF operations each year — it is unclear whether Conway includes surgeries performed on intersex children — with as many or more performed on American patients overseas.

    8. #23
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      I think polygamists are getting a raw deal. Why should someone be able to marry someone who is of the same sex, but cant have more than one spouse? What is good for homosexuals should be the same for heterosexual polygamists. They should be free to practice their lifestyle the same as gays

    9. #24
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      i do not care as long as my tax dollars do not subsidize stuff like that. as for what God thinks about sex changes one could argue that changing one's body with steroids is an affront to the word of God just like a sex change. a soul who changes one's body by means not provided in the body God gave you...........blah blah. vanity........you get it.

      what someone else does has no effect on me and for me to condemn another for something like a sex change is hypocritical.

      it is odd how many people today pick and choose which parts of the bible to take literally and not metaphorically or dismiss all together. parts that apply to them are normally forgotten while those that apply to others are literally.

      IMO the new testament says love thy neighbor as thy self in john it says If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen

      it does not say love thy neighbor as thy self unless they are gay or get s sex change.

      i do not care about that which i cannot change
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    10. #25
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      I'm unsure of my opinion. I am incredibly tolerant. That being said, I don't like the purposeful throwing in the face. If I start French kissing my girlfriend I would be looked at with disgust. But we are so PC that PPl are afraid to call a spade a spade. I dont care what your sex is or orientation but don't be hypocrites you know?! I believe it is mental issue as well and that is why some insurance companies pay for it. I may be off here but it reminds me Of unions allowing drug addicts multiple offenses while still paying for treatment because it is a mental disorder.

      These are just my opinions, God knows I reserve the right to be wrong! Lol

    11. #26
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      You can go on you tube and see how a Dick gets turned into a ***** its unreal.I personaly don't believe in it and if god gave you a cock keep it.
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      I dont care how they try and explain it, anal sex just aint natural
      lol yeah fuzo
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    13. #28
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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      I think people who undergo sex changes as adults should be barred from professional sports. It is not fair to put a man's body strength into a woman's sport. They are separated by sex for a reason.

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      Default Re: Whats your opinion on sex change?

      at this present moment, I don't care about what anyone is doing cause I am to much working on me. However, I don't condone it. One thing we all have to remember when subjects like this come up is that everyone does not believe in God and may not even be a Christian? is it wrong? It is their right to have their belief and opinion so even though we may be Christians others may not follow those same beliefs. I will always support what our amazing country has been founded and based on though. I stand up for my beliefs but do not shove them on others. I tend to agree with the issue od mentality on this one though. I am betting that a large percent of people have some history in their young years that led them to this life they lead
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    15. #30
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      • Whats your opinion on sex change?
      • Whats your opinion on sex change?
      Quote Originally Posted by LittleTom View Post
      I find it interesting that many that promote individualism and not following the crowd are so quick to judgement. I wonder what people think of Bodybuilders who use performance enhancing drugs to take their body's to unnatural levels. Some may consider that odd. I know my opinion would not be popular but it is mine. I do not let what's written in an old book determine my feelings or ideas. I respect those who do however. How can you tell anothe person how to feel. It very well be a mental disease but can you cure it? We need to get over ourselves.

      lots of hypocrisy out there today in the world. I am born and raised in a Christian religion and have my beliefs but I have found more "reborn Christians" in this day to be more hypocritical than many. Now that doesn't mean all, but just my experience with some. Your analogy made lots of sense.
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