As an aside, I have had my genetics tested for genealogy purposes...but the company that does it (Family Tree DNA) can also test for other things. I had four things tested, the Warrior Gene (would rather fight than make peace), Muscle Performance, Male Pattern Baldness, and Avoidance of Errors (ie, not learning from mistakes).

Muscle Performance - SNP Rs1815739

You can have a CC (also written as RR), CT (also written as RX), or TT (also written as XX) genotype on marker rs1815739. CT (or RX) is the most common form found. The R allele (ie rs1815739(C)) is associated with sprinters, while the X allele (rs1815739(T)) is associated with endurance athletes. Homozygotes being either RR or XX and heterozygotes being RX. XX individuals completely lack the expression of alpha-actinin-3. TT (also written as XX) is under-represented in elite strength athletes, consistent with previous reports indicating that alpha-actinin-3 deficiency appears to impair muscle performance.

People who seem to be able to lift forever without getting tired most likely have the TT (or XX) set of genes. The problem with this is that the release of alpha-actinin-3 also starts the chain reaction which causes the body to know it needs to repair muscle fibers and needs to grow muscles. People with the TT (or XX) genetic set need to work harder for the same gains as someone with CT (or RX) and both need to work harder than someone with CC (or RR) needs to work for the same gains.

I have CC - Two working copies of alpha-actinin-3 in fast-twitch muscle fiber. Many world-class sprinters and some endurance athletes have this genotype. I have the ability to be an elite strength athlete due to genetics. VERY nice info to know!

Warrior Gene

Human behavior is complex and influenced by our genes, our environment, and our circumstances. Popular science and the media have dubbed one of the most provocative and often controversial of genetic variants as the "Warrior Gene." Studies have linked the "Warrior Gene" to increased risk-taking and to retaliatory behavior. Men with the "Warrior Gene" are not necessarily more aggressive, but they are more likely to respond aggressively to perceived conflict.

My Results: Normal Variant This is most likely why I am often called a peacemaker - I like to broker compromise in most conflicts.

Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness

Researchers at McGill University, King’s College London, and GlaxoSmithKline Inc. have identified two genetic variants in Caucasians that together produce an astounding sevenfold increase the risk of male pattern baldness. Their results were published Oct. 12, 2008 issue of the journal Nature Genetics.

Your Results: rs1160312 Less likely to go bald rs2180439 Less likely to go bald. YAY!!

Avoidance of Errors

Numerous times, we have made the wrong decision, and its consequences were unfavorable. We are often angry with ourselves because we are unable to learn from certain experiences. The cause may be in our genes. Scientists say a mutation in the DRD2 gene that causes a reduced number of dopamine receptors can also be responsible.

Your Results: rs1800497 GG Much more likely to avoid errors

This is true, I also have the nice ability to learn from the mistakes of others. That is something I am quite thankful for.