Has this ever happened to you? The first date was off the charts amazing. Unbelievable sexual attraction etc etc...No sex, just intense connection in every way. I walk her to her car, kiss her goodbye...we text for a week about how amazing it was..then suddenly one night she calls all pissed at me, saying she had a terrible day and the least I could do was send her some romantic texts. lol I mean, totally out of nowhere. I literally started cracking up laughing. Then she got mad at me for laughing. I said, this is hilarious that youre already mad at me for this and we havent known each other 2 weeks. The next day she texts and says how bad she feels for acting so crazy. Couple nights later some babbling texts from her about some guy named Jim. I started thinking maybe she was drinking /ambien or both. I sadly, just had to stop talking to her. It is obvious she is a drama queen of the worst kind and I enjoy life too much for that nonsense. She left me a rambling message on friday about how much she likes me and what is going on etc. I didnt respond at all except to send her a last text that said have a nice day. Sad, but thats the way it goes. I dont do the drama thing. Life is to good to waste on that kind of crap.