Ive chatted with Diva about this recently and no matter how much time has passed and how in love I can see my ex now with her new BF i swear i think about her everyday still. A little back story, In august of last year i spent three months talking to a girl who grew up in the same church as me. She moved to NY to go to acting school and when we started talking it was about 3 months away from when she was moving back home to tampa.

We talked and texted EVERYDAY for 3 months and the day she drove back to tampa she met me. We couldnt stop smiling and laughing, needless to say the next two months we were inseperable. Im a very picky guy so when i date someone i take it serious and the specific type of girl isnt that common, and yes ive been called nuts before because i have such picky standards but whatever its how i am, I knew within 2-3 weeks i was going to marry this girl. Im 32 shes 23 and she had been married before, it was sort of a religous setup of a wedding so naturally it didnt last.

So after being together almost everyday for the 2.5 months of her being back she starts acting weird, now granted i was quite clingy because of how in love i was with her, but its almost like one day she changed her mind and didnt like me anymore. We stopped talking around new years and im serious when i say that i think about her almost everyday still. We had both told eachother we loved one another and we totally meant it. Her parents said i was the best guy shes ever dated and the list goes on and on.

The breakup after wards was pretty bad, i couldnt let go and started making fun of her and just being as mean as possible because of how sad she made me. That part of it was really uncharacteristic for me because im not like that.

I guess the reason i made this thread was just to ask you guys here, How in the hell do you move on from someone that you knew 100% no fucking doubt in your mind that she was the girl youre was supposed to marry?? Most of the women ive gotten advice from says thats what young 20 yr old girls do and that one day she'll realize the mistake she made. Im still dealing with a broken heart and boy does it still really suck.

-The good news is im no longer depressed over it.