The 2 suspects that killed 2 police officers, 1 a veteran, the other a rookie , were killed after a police chase .
Police emptied over 50 shots into the car killing both a male and female.
Well this morning I'm looking at the news and there's protests about the shootings of these 2 ??????????
Family members complaing and crying and saying it wasn't justified ???????
Well is the killing of 2 officers justified ? Why aren't there protests about the officers that were killed ? Why aren't the family's of the officers protesting ?
So it's okay to kill 2 people who we expect to help us when we need them but we're supposed to baby cop killers ???
WTF is this world coming too.
I'm sorry but if u kill some1 close to me , I'm gonna make sure I put a bullet in ur head , fuck reasoning !!!
People need to wake up and realize it's not ALWAYS police brutality , there are situations where these things happen and they're justified !!!
Give me a fuckin break people !!! As a takin of a life is never okay and I understand people were lost , THEY KILLED 2 POLICE OFFICERS , what did u think was gonna happen ? They were gonna be taken to jail, be fed and clothed w/ my tax money , and think it's alright to kill police officers ???
I'm not for or against cops , I just think this thing that cops just kill people for fun is getting out of hand . People are making it an excuse to be on TV , riot and loot , start sueing , and all for son wrong fucked up reasons !!!