I am thinking about starting some antidepressants. Long story short my wife and I are close to divorce. One of the driving factors is my mood.

I have always been moody but never diagnosed with anything, until we went to counseling a few months ago. The counselor felt very strongly that a lot of my issues are from a chemical imbalance and that I may want to consider an antidepressant.

Anyways I have been good for a few months with no blow up and I blew up on my wife last week. She is very close to leaving. (I didn't hit her...never have hit her...shoved her head into a pillow one time which I regret...was a hard time...before I got on sup/drugs for adrenal issues and our daughter has never slept good so I was sleep deprived as well...that was the only time that ever happened in 13 years of being together.)

In some ways I think it would be good but we have a child and I don't want to be away from her. I do love my wife she just gets on my nerves...but hell everything gets on my nerves...shes a good woman. Not sure what to do.

Anyways I also think I may have fibromyalgia...never been confirmed but a lot of the symptoms I have. Anyways one of the treatments for it is antidepressants. Also I have insomnia. Use to be real bad before I started using some adrenal supplements and rotating low dosed cortisol. Anti-D also helps with this as well.

I also am on TRT for a couple of years now. That didn't really help at all with my moods...didn't make it worse but it didn't help either.

Just wanted some opinions on antidepressants...do they help...what side effects...short and long term. Would really love some help. In a hard place in my life.

