I know I'm a little early but I'm not going to be online much for a few days. My son got what we thought was pink eye Sunday into Monday and when he went to the docs they rushed him to er and he was admitted with orbital cellulitis. We lucked out and it was only on the front of his eye and hasn't traveled to the back where it could so some real damage and required surgery. We will be doing IV antibiotics from Monday till Friday. The first day was rough as hell with blood draws, cat scans and the IV setup. By the end of last night though he began to make leave with not coming home and started slowly being himself again after being very lethargic After fighting with the staff for all the poking and prodding. I have broken down many times in the last 36hrs. I have also thought about some bickering and bitterness I had with my brother in the recent months and it was suddenly very stupid. He came to visit my son last night and he broke down too. At that time Vincent(my son) was not himself yet. Part of me feels bad for being so upset because they are people with children who are dying and my son just has an eye infection but until they confirmed what it was we really had no idea how bad it was. And to hear his screams as they drew the blood and set up the IV absolutely killed me. I was out pacing the halls, arms crossed and scratching my rib cage(weird nervous habit I have is to pick or scratch at something) and crying my eyes out.