First let me say that any child can bring sunshine in a day!

We spent the day at softball tourneys for 9 hours yesterday. It was lots of fun and at times a bit entertaining,lol.

Their is an ump about 15 years old and his dad is in charge of the umpires. His dad sits close behind him at every game and if a coach, or any adult questions his call..his dad comes over to get involved. Kid makes a call, our coaches are good with it, otherside caoches arent. Dad comes over and goes againts his kids call, quite humiliating I say, Fuzo and dad have some words. Fuzo controls himself quite good...I must say. Several Moms stepped in and told Fuzo even though he was wasnt worth it.

So my daughters friend has a twin brother with Downs Syndrome. He walks up to Fuzo and puts his arms around and gives him a BIG hug. Now if that doesnt make someone smile then I feel bad for them.

A very priceless moment. God bless all children and those with special needs!