hey bro,

I think that most of us have been at this crossroad at some point or another.
I think that most if NOT must of us have felt that nervouness and feeling of failure.

The great thing about this situation is that you and your family are looking for better ways of life, and not just seclude yourselves to a life you may not be fully happy in.

the truth is that, no matter where you are in life you may always have those "pros and cons" where the cons may make you question the pros (the good stuff)

What I have learnt in life is to trutthfully appreciate and respect my surroundings, where the grass may not always be green at the other side of the fence. At the same time taking well calculated risks that will pay off in the end.

Without a plan, you plan to fail bro.

As hard as this may be, my personal adivse is this:

you are not alone anymore, you have a family to look after. Perhaps making such a big move could be very risky. IF I were single and with no children (I have no children) making a move like that would not be so hard.

The only way to achieve success is to undertake big risks and this is one of those decisions that only you and your family can make.

I am on your side and I from the heart wish nothing but solid results in this venture.