Tell me how my brother rides o the backs of taxpayer..

For the record, my brother make $ 550 grand a year. He is Bipolar I . His Aetna through his company does not provide mental health coverage ( 1/3 to 1/2 private plans did not provide mental health coverage unlike 100%o n the exchange). He pays $1500 a month for his mood stabilzers that allow him to travel and function as an internationall consultant who speaks 5 languages. Every 7 yrs he needs to be hospitalized. He pays cash every 3 months to see his Psychiatrist.

He is not an idiot. He told his employer to make him an independant consultant. He signed up for the platinum plan on Humana on the Obamacare exchange for Georgia. He makes too much for tax subsidies so he will have to pay the $ 600 dollars a month for platinum. ( no tax subsidies). Now that his meds will be paid for starting Jan 2014 he will save $900 dolllars a month, $230.00 dollar psych office visit every 3 months and won't have to pay $5 grand every tiime he gets hospitalized every 7 yrs. He plans on using the money saved to take an Antarctic cruise.