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    Thread: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

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      Default Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

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      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      Th ACA is not a left-wing socialist program. It is built on a flawed conservative Heritage Foundation proposal that was the basis for Romneycare in Massachusetts.

      The ACA simply expands the private insurance system to cover everyone, ( no public option or government plan) a right-of-center concept. This was exactly what the Republican Party was advocating, just look at Bob Dole's platform.
      The GOP is correct in that the ACA will increase total costs; fail to cover tens of millions of people (partly because of the refusal of many red states to expand Medicaid because of party politics);perpetuate bureuacratic stranglehold and morass of red tapt that private insurance companies have on health providers.

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      Here is the full article

      Here’s how GOP Obamacare hypocrisy backfires
      GOP base doesn't understand right wants to turn Medicare, Social Security and more into a very similar program

      By Michael Lind
      Salon, Oct. 28, 2013
      The smartest thing yet written about the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act’s federal exchange program is a post by Mike Konczal of the Roosevelt Institute at his “Rortybomb” blog at Next New Deal. Konczal makes two points, each of which deserves careful pondering.
      The first point is that to some degree the problems with the website have been caused by the overly complicated design of Obamacare itself. Instead of being a simple, universal program like Social Security or Medicare, the Affordable Care Act system is designed as if to illustrate Steven Teles’ notion of “kludgeocracy” or needless, counterproductive complexity in public policy. By using means-testing to vary subsidies among individuals and by trying to match individuals with private insurance companies, the ACA requires far more information about people who try to sign up than do simpler public programs like Social Security and Medicare. If Congress had passed Medicare for All, the left’s preferred simple, universal alternative to the kludgeocratic ACA mess, signing up would have been a lot easier and the potential for website snafus correspondingly less.
      Konczal’s second point is even more important — the worst features of Obamacare are the very features that conservatives want to impose on all federal social policy: means-testing, a major role for the states, and subsidies to private providers instead of direct public provision of health or retirement benefits. This is not surprising, because Obamacare’s models are right-wing models — the Heritage Foundation’s healthcare plan in the 1990s and Mitt Romney’s “Romneycare” in Massachusetts.
      This point is worth dwelling on. Conservatives want all social insurance to look like Obamacare. The radical right would like to replace Social Security with an Obamacare-like system, in which mandates or incentives pressure Americans to steer money into tax-favored savings accounts like 401(k)s and to purchase annuities at retirement, with means-tested subsidies to help the poor make their private purchases. And most conservative and libertarian plans for healthcare for the elderly involve replacing Medicare with a totally new system designed along the lines of Obamacare, with similar mandates or incentives to compel the elderly to buy private health insurance from for-profit corporations.
      If you don’t like Obamacare, you should really, really hate the proposed conservative alternatives to Social Security and Medicare. Konczal writes:
      "Conservatives in particular think this website has broad implications for liberalism as a philosophical and political project. I think it does, but for the exact opposite reasons: it highlights the problems inherent in the move to a neoliberal form of governance and social insurance, while demonstrating the superiorities in the older, New Deal form of liberalism. This point is floating out there, and it turns out to be a major problem for conservatives as well, so let’s make it clear and explicit here."
      Building on an insightful discussion of public policy by means of subsidies or “coupons” published by the New America Foundation’s Next Social Contract initiative, Konczal contrasts the indirect, market-based, state-based neoliberal/conservative approach to social insurance that inspired Obamacare with the kind of universal federal social insurance preferred by liberals in the tradition of FDR and LBJ:
      "So this tells a story. Let’s refer to these features of social insurance, which are also playing a major role in the rollout problems, as 'Category A.' Now, what would the opposite of this look like? Let’s define the opposite of this as 'Category B' social insurance. And let’s take these two categories and chart them out."
      Konczal speculates that the flaws of Obamacare may undermine public support for proposed conservative replacements of Social Security and Medicare:
      "However, the smarter conservatives who are thinking several moves ahead (e.g. Ross Douthat) understand that this failed rollout is a significant problem for conservatives. Because if all the problems are driven by means-testing, state-level decisions and privatization of social insurance, the fact that the core conservative plan for social insurance is focused like a laser beam on means-testing, block-granting and privatization is a rather large problem. As Ezra Klein notes, 'Paul Ryan’s health-care plan — and his Medicare plan — would also require the government to run online insurance marketplaces.' Additionally, the Medicaid expansion is working well where it is being implemented, and the ACA is perhaps even bending the cost curve of Medicare, the two paths forward that conservatives don’t want to take."
      Will the flaws of Obamacare really hurt the right and help center-left supporters of universal social insurance? I doubt it.
      To begin with, this implies a willingness of the right to acknowledge that Obamacare, in its design, is essentially a conservative program, not a traditional liberal one. But we have just been through a presidential campaign in which Mitt Romney, who as governor of Massachusetts presided over the creation of the most important model for Obamacare, rejected any comparison of Romneycare with Obamacare. What is more, instead of agreeing with Konczal that the flaws of Obamacare are shared by most conservative entitlement reform proposals, conservatives are likely simply to denounce Obamacare as “socialism” or “collectivism” while promoting their own, Obamacare-like replacements for Social Security and Medicare, with blithe indifference to their own inconsistency.
      Nor are progressives likely to press the point in present or future debates. Unlike conservatives, who are right-wingers first and Republicans second, all too many progressives put loyalty to the Democratic Party — most of whose politicians, including Obama, are not economic progressives — above fidelity to a consistent progressive economic philosophy. These partisan Democratic spinmeisters are now treating Obamacare, not as an essentially conservative program that is better than nothing, but as something it is not — namely, a great victory of progressive public policy on the scale of Social Security and Medicare.
      In doing so, progressive defenders of Obamacare may inadvertently be digging the graves of Social Security and Medicare.
      If Obamacare — built on means-testing, privatizing and decentralization to the states — is treated by progressives as the greatest liberal public policy success in the last half-century, then how will progressives be able to argue against proposals by conservative Republicans and center-right neoliberal Democrats to means-test, privatize and decentralize Social Security and Medicare in the years ahead?
      I predict that it is only a matter of time before conservatives and Wall Street-backed “New Democrats” begin to argue that, with Obamacare in place, it makes no sense to have two separate healthcare systems for the middle class — Obamacare for working-age Americans, Medicare for retired Americans. They will suggest, in a great bipartisan chorus: Let’s get rid of Medicare, in favor of Lifelong Obamacare! Let’s require the elderly to keep purchasing private insurance until they die!
      I’m sure a number of token “centrist” Democrats will be found, in due time, to support the replacement of Medicare by Lifelong Obamacare. And with neoliberal Democratic supporters of the proposal as cover, the overclass centrists of the corporate media will begin pushing for Lifelong Obamacare as the sober, responsible, “adult” policy in one unsigned editorial after another.
      Once Medicare has been abolished in favor of Lifelong Obamacare, perhaps by a future neoliberal Democratic president like Clinton and Obama, Social Security won’t last very long.
      The conservative Republicans and centrist Democrats will argue that the success of Obamacare, in both its initial version and the new and improved Lifelong Obamacare version, proves that a fee-based, means-tested, privatized and state-based system is superior to the universal, federal, tax-based Social Security program enacted nearly a century ago in the Dark Age known as the New Deal. We will be told that, in a world with computers and globalization and apps or whatever, simple, universal, one-size-fits all social insurance is obsolete. In the “new economy,” public policy needs to offer as many baffling choices as airlines or gyms, like the ridiculous bronze, silver, gold and platinum plans of Obamacare.
      At some point in the future, the right will introduce a plan to replace Social Security with a system of individual mandates and fines to compel working-age Americans to invest in for-profit Wall Street mutual funds during one’s working years, and to compel them to buy annuities from for-profit money managers at retirement (which with the help of centrist Democrats will be postponed to 70 or beyond). The genuine progressives will respond with a defense of Social Security. Whereupon the faux-progressives, the neoliberal heirs of Carter, Clinton and Obama, will reject the option of preserving Social Security — why, that’s crazy left-wing radical talk! — but insist that the subsidies for the poorest of the elderly be slightly increased, as the price for their adoption of the conservative plan to destroy Social Security. Throughout the process, the right-wing Republicans and neoliberal Democrats will ask, “How can progressives object to means-testing, privatization and 50 state programs, when those are the very features of the Obamacare system that our friends on the left celebrate as a great achievement?”
      Think about it, progressives. The real “suicide caucus” may consist of those on the center-left who, by passionately defending the Affordable Care Act rather than holding their noses, are unwittingly reinforcing the legitimacy of the right’s long-term strategy of repealing the greatest achievements of American liberalism.
      Michael Lind is the author of "Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States" and co-founder of the New America Foundation.

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      its good you admit it's a socialist program. most people won't be honest like that.

      democrats, republicans = one party.


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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      No, its not. In socialized medicine doctors like myself don't own our practices, we work for the government on a fixed salary. I take Medicare, I will take 3/5 insurances on the Georgia exchange, and a mix of private payers and tax subsidized private plans like military TRicare, Teachers Blue cross in georgia. Firemen's Aetna and police aetna. I control my salary by my wonderful collections, reducing overhead and draw a bonus at the end of the year. It is hardly socialized medicine. Obamacare just perpetuates the abuses of the private insurers with their inordinate red tape. I have to hire 5 more adminstrative staff. I still only have one person who bills and colllects medicare ( they pay me in exactly two weeks unlike private plans that take up to 3 yrs). Five doctors should not have a staff of 46. It's pathetic. If I only took Medicare ( I can't because I am in academics) I could be with one nurse, one secretary and one manager. Medicare pays me 30% less but I dropped my overhead 85%

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      any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      It's still not socialized medicine. Only three of which exist, Spain, Britain and the VA system in this country. The government does not tell me how I must run my practice. I can fire all medicare patients and medicaid patients. ( In fact I limit my practice to 10% medicaid).. I can refuse to take any on the exchange. I could become a boutique medicine doctor where trim my patient down to 600 regular paying patients who pay a yearly premium and get rid of medicare and medicaid and private payers altogether.

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      so if they're blaming the whole idea on replublicans then why did the libtards push so hard to pass it? they're dumber than we already know is only answer

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      Obama is a secret republican. He contiinued the policies of BUsh in the middle east, drone attacks etc. He never repealed the patriot act which violates our 4th amendment.

      Democrats wanted the public option, just as medicare is the public option to the privatized medicare advantage program but it was too "socialistic" for the Reppublicans. I look once again to the experiment with Medicacare Advantage.

      If my patient got suckered into a medicare advantage that did not have me or my hospital, or other essential services, ( they did not pay for the 1st 3 days of hospitalization or past 3 days or rehab). I know cause they yelled at me when they got their bill. I told them it was the advantage plan they chose not me., they could always go back to regular medicare. ( which many did... advantage plans brilliantly selected the healthy who never knew about their skeletal hospital coverage)

      The public option would have competed with the private plans on the insurance exchange ( which most doctors like me wanted since they would only have one set of defined adminstrative rules unlike the the morasss of confusion on the private market, would have paid us in timely manner and not restricted access to a provider since any hospital who wanted federal funds ( which all do) would have to take the public option. It got axed.

      For the record Medicare pays me in exactly 2 weeks. ( Even during the goverment shut down) the average private plan 3 months to 3 years. The private plans on the exchange will be pulling the same delay of payments bullshit. Unless you are a doctor that understands how delayed payments don't' make up for the upfront initial higher pay, ( and monitor the books like I do) you are clueless ( which a lot of hospital based specialists did not understand)

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      i've done claims processing for Medicaid so i know somewhat the pay process and how little doctors actually...we're told that only reason they accepted medicare is so they can keep getting gov't grants for research which is where the real payoff is...once again on backs of the taxpayers...

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      Not true. I run a private practice, I don't take medicare so I can accept federal grants. Like I said, Medicare pays me 38% less than my private plans but they pay me in 2 weeks. I make out more than Aetna who takes on average 9-12 months to pay me. That 38% upfront higher pay margin disappears in 12 months. I have to hire 2 full time office managers and a bucket load of secretaries to do pior auths and precerts for these plans. I don't beg medicare permission to get a stat mri of the spine when I suspect a spinal abscess. I call, make an appointment, they go. No middle man. I have yet to have a private plan let me do that without my nurse or assistant on the phone for hours trying to get a precert. ( Many times they outright deny it and I have to underhandedly admit them to the hospital just to get a stat mri which costs everyone more and I was right 75% of the time).

      Medicaid is a different beast so i limit my patient load to only 5% or my patient population yet medicaid and medicare paid for my slave labor residency salary so that we have the best postgraduate medical training program in the world, so I don't begrudge them. ( NOt a single private insurance would pay for doctors in residency training)

      By the way you realize 70% of all insuraces in this country is already paid for by taxes? WHo do you think funds public teacher's purchase of privatized Bluecross in Georgia, or police department's purchase of privatized Aetna, or the governor's private insurer or the fire fighter's purchase of Aetna in Georgi? ( the latter two historically vote republican) . Why can't the lower middle class who isn't llucky enough to have a employer or spouse with health insurance finally go on the private insurance market without settling for skeletal catastrophic coverage? Only 50% will need subsidies.

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      Tell me how my brother rides o the backs of taxpayer..

      For the record, my brother make $ 550 grand a year. He is Bipolar I . His Aetna through his company does not provide mental health coverage ( 1/3 to 1/2 private plans did not provide mental health coverage unlike 100%o n the exchange). He pays $1500 a month for his mood stabilzers that allow him to travel and function as an internationall consultant who speaks 5 languages. Every 7 yrs he needs to be hospitalized. He pays cash every 3 months to see his Psychiatrist.

      He is not an idiot. He told his employer to make him an independant consultant. He signed up for the platinum plan on Humana on the Obamacare exchange for Georgia. He makes too much for tax subsidies so he will have to pay the $ 600 dollars a month for platinum. ( no tax subsidies). Now that his meds will be paid for starting Jan 2014 he will save $900 dolllars a month, $230.00 dollar psych office visit every 3 months and won't have to pay $5 grand every tiime he gets hospitalized every 7 yrs. He plans on using the money saved to take an Antarctic cruise.

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      WI changed that this last year and the Teachers Unions lost and now they're paying their fair share instead of free rides with cadillac plans and retirements

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      I can't tell you how many military members don't realize my taxes ( and I am in the highest tax bracket) pays for their Tricare. Cognitive dissonance at it's peak.

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      Default Re: Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

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      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment

      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      • Obamacare, failed right wing experiment
      With single payer and privatized secondary like in Australia, no employer has to have providing health insurance as their second highest overhead, no citizen is denied health insurance, we streamline administrative burden which would save us 400 billion a year ( If I only took medicare I could have a secretary and nurse and get rid of 35 employees who suck up my overhead trying to verify crap for 300 different indurance plans) I was offered locums in australia. Even with price of living I would have been reimbursed more, worked only 50 hours and patients are very happy. THey have it made over there. THey were shocked to hear I have 35 non medical employess for 5 docs.

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