Hey guys,

She has been running 25mg prop/25mg npp every 3 days.
Also been running clen/t3 25/25 and for over a week now 50/50

She is VERY active and will be competing in April. She is 32 years old, we have been together for 9 solid months.

She has not had her period for over a month now, and her breasts are swollen as fuck, she KNOWS something is very wrong.

She has this little think implanted BUT not operated onto her, deep in her vagina, the doctor added this little thing around 1-2 year ago, and it prevents sperms from doing the job.

Can somebody with knowledge tell me about her missing her period, which I understand is very normal in women that use steriods...but what about the swollen breasts (indication of pregnancy).

My head is completely fucked right now, as I DO NOT ever want to have children and neither does she.

She has been using gear for around 1.5 to 2 months. I administer and control the dosages.

Feedback please