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    Thread: quitting the gym

    1. #16
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      what i was told man is it is a business and to make money. we are in the minority of the the gym goers nowadays so they dont care about us or keeping us. that's the bottom line, they want to bring in money and could care less about anything else. so what do i do? i do what you do for the most part, hat on down over eyes, music wide open and i avoid eye contact. now if someone wants help i will give a tip or two but i normally charge someone for help. if someone is curling in the squat rack i will tell them to move or i will will make one of the managers move them.
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    2. #17
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      what i was told man is it is a business and to make money. we are in the minority of the the gym goers nowadays so they dont care about us or keeping us. that's the bottom line, they want to bring in money and could care less about anything else. so what do i do? i do what you do for the most part, hat on down over eyes, music wide open and i avoid eye contact. now if someone wants help i will give a tip or two but i normally charge someone for help. if someone is curling in the squat rack i will tell them to move or i will will make one of the managers move them.
      Amen, this is my way also.
      Only way to do it anymore.

    3. #18
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      Thanks guys. That's why I like it here. You guys/girls are just like me.
      Squats make the world go round.

    4. #19
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      A home gym should be the ticket for people who can't stand the BS that goes on in a regular gym

    5. #20
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      I know exactly how you feel bro. There are less and less gyms now days that embrace true weightlifters and fitness minded people. Most gyms now are social hang outs for people who want to "feel" like they're working out. I've actually watched people do about 2 sets, talk to everyone for an hour, then leave. It's these same itiots that whine and complain all the time that they aren't getting any results. There are a few hardcore gyms I know of, but they're becoming fewer all the time because of what guns mentioned. Us serious weightlifters are in the minority.

      It's really sad the way society's thought process has changed. Back in the day, when you thought about getting in shape, you thought about sweating, burning muscles, and all the things that come with training. Now days, when our lazy ass society thinks about getting in shape, they think about going to a "fitness center", socializing with their friends, doing extremely light cardio so they don't sweat on the book they're reading.. Pansies.
      Last edited by Yohimbe; 08-04-2013 at 12:09 PM.
      Train Till Your Eyes Bleed!

    6. #21
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      Quote Originally Posted by rmewrench View Post
      if *****es want a non intimidating gym, go to ****ing curves!!
      or even a crossfit gym

    7. #22
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      I know exactly how you feel bro. There are less and less gyms now days that embrace true weightlifters and fitness minded people. Most gyms now are social hang outs for people who want to "feel" like they're working out. I've actually watched people do about 2 sets, talk to everyone for an hour, then leave. It's these same itiots that whine and complain all the time that they aren't getting any results. There are a few hardcore gyms I know of, but they're becoming fewer all the time because of what guns mentioned. Us serious weightlifters are in the minority.

      It's really sad the way society's thought process has changed. Back in the day, when you thought about getting in shape, you thought about sweating, burning muscles, and all the things that come with training. Now days, when our lazy ass society thinks about getting in shape, they think about going to a "fitness center", socializing with their friends, doing extremely light cardio so they don't sweat on the book they're reading.. Pansies.
      Planet Fitness and LA Fitness are the places that fit this mold and its so sad to say the least. Why are these places so worried about the dedicated lifters?

    8. #23
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      LA's are hit or miss but I wouldn't put them in the category of Planet Fn Fitness!

    9. #24
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
      LA's are hit or miss but I wouldn't put them in the category of Planet Fn Fitness!
      The LA's near me are not bad and have reasonable equipment but some of the staff can be a bit douche-y at times, so yes you can consider LA rather hit or miss depending on the location.

    10. #25
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      Quote Originally Posted by katelly View Post
      I would never have expected this from you. But yeah sum hate intensity. Don't blame you bro, your a beast you deserve to be a lil aggressive. Hope ol lady don't kick you out your new gym lmao
      He should ask if she wants to wrassle LMAO

    11. #26
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      Quote Originally Posted by Heavy Hitter View Post
      I am no longer going to be going to the fitness centers in my town. I've been kicked out of one and asked to leave until I calm down from the other. I have just purchased a squat rack which is the last thing I needed. I am so tired of seeing girls in short shorts and make up done. Guys in short shorts with their hair done. Personal trainers giving terrible advice. People look at me like I'm a lepper during my dead lifts. They complain when I squat. What pushed me
      Over the edge was. This woman was working with her friend. This little skronny personal trainer comes walking up and grabs the band from the woman and throws it over the top of the machine and tells her this is how its done. I said hey homo her arms are bigger then yours why the **** would she listen to you. Its true the guy is tiny. Why would anyone want to listen to him. I don't want to go backwards. I pay as much as everyone else. I have to watch people do half squats half bench. I see this fat girl who has gained weight every morning **** off with a personal trainer giggling and not doing shit in her extra tight yoga pants. She doesn't burn a hundred calories. Then they set any the smoothie bar drinking a shake that's 200 calories. The general manager trys to blow smoke up my ass. He says he don't care what I do but has to say something because he gets complaints. The truth is. I'm big I have tattoos I don't socialize with the people I lift heavy weight I workout with intensity. And yes if someone is curling in the squat rack I will remove the weight for them. I don't give two ****s how much weight you are curling. If you can't dead lift it off the floor you have no business curling it. I got some friends to help out and donate some weights. And some guys to train with. So **** all these fitness centers.
      lol this is why we love u bro but seriously i couldnt ****ing agree more!
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    12. #27
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      ok., i am going to give you a prime example for why i charge people and this happened this wk and goes along with what you are saying hh. so i had a young guy come up and ask me for cycle advice cause he isnt progressing anymore. so i said i cant give nor would i give you that guidance cause i am not a doctor so do your own research. then he went on and on about it and i said look man this is a decision that can leave you needing hormone support for life and you really need to dig deep and think about it for real before making the plumge and that most people i hear just do a basic 300-500mg test of some sort a wk until they stop making gains then they do whatever, idk. i told him diet was the key to success and that he needs to focus on getting 6-8 good high protein mid carbs and mid to high fat to stay lean. blah blah blah so i said statt about 8-10oz of pro a meal with 150 carbs 1st meal and 150g carbs post workout then all other meals have 50g of healthy fats from coconut oil or what have you. so i spent this good 10-15 minutes explaining all this trying to not be a dick cause i knew he was waisting my time. so the next day he rolls in and right up to me and says i found dorain yates training and diet plan and i started it up today. so i ask him, do you realize these guys dont write this stuff and very very rarely is it true? he's like oh doiran is a pretty good dude and i believe it's him. so i said next time you ask me for advice or guidance to help you out then either bring your wallet or google it and see what the top pros are doing. lol
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    13. #28
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      Default Re: quitting the gym

      Idk...I'm more of a humble guy. I'm aggressive with the weights but not towards other people at the gym. I love to help people by giving legit advice....especially if they are younger like college age kids. Some people I help out for free, others I will help out to an extent, then offer my training services to them. I don't want to be that dickhead in the gym that goes off on people for asking questions, or being somewhere in the gym where I don't want them to be. Being in business for myself, I'd rather be that guy that people go to when they need help. I earn a lot of business, and respect that way.

    14. #29
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      Exactly guns. These guys look at me and ask me questions hoping I tell them they can take a pill and it will happen over night. The fact is it's been years of trial and error and grinding out one more rep. I look like I look because I busted my ass. I did workouts that were useless and idiotic. But I did them with all my heart. Yes I use creatine but that makes no difference. I found out over the years. You get out of your body what you put in it. That goes for diet and training. If you eat at McDonalds and sit on the couch you will look like you eat at McDonalds and sit on the couch. If you have a strict diet and bust your ass. You will look like a stud no matter how much you weigh. 6p6 and guns all you guys understand what I mean. It blows my mind these people that believe jay cutler drinks whatever brand protein and looks like a freak. No jay cutler bust his ****ing ass in the gym eats until it literally hurts. Sacrifices and bleeds the sport. And most likely pumps ten grams of test a week. Which by the way if these guys knew how painful it is to inject 3 CCS of oil in your muscle every damn day of the week I bet AAS wouldn't look so glamorous. Yet the gym owner loves the fact that I say I work out at his gym and has given me several t-shirts yet he doesn't actually want me there. He wants old blue hairs and gullible women with money. Young guys with jersey shore haircuts watching their 12 inch arms stretch the sleeves of their extra medium gap shirts. That's something else. These guys wearing affliction shirts tap out and walking around with their chest puffed out. Guess what? I can tell you what it feels like to have your lips puched so hard your teeth show threw them. Were a set of coon eyes around for a week that will make me second guess slapping your old ladies ass then throwing her over my shoulder and repping out a clean set of twenty squats. Then feeding her tube steak. Not that shirt that's to small. **** I'm pissed again. And I'm not even on tren.
      Squats make the world go round.

    15. #30
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      Quote Originally Posted by Little BamBam View Post
      I blast my music so hard they tell me to turn it down cause people don't like listenin to salena gomez but that's my preference b****es ...I totally get you bro
      i dont know if id be able to keep a straight face seein a big dude rockin out to selena gomez in the squat rack.

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