Well in the past 9 years I've been many different varying levels of active with lately being some of my least but life has been hectic for me the past year or so. Nothing great, nothing bad but busy so the internet takes a backseat. Just reflecting a little on my almost decade on the BB boards (joined 1st one in Jan 04, this was my 2nd one) and I gotta say as far as a core group of members no site out of the prob 20 I've been a member at has had these guys stick around. Everyone from FUZO, baby, Dzone, 6p6, tn94z, O2, dave, mofo, etc i could go on for a while but there is a solid 20-30 guy foundation here for 10 years+ of actitivity and still a lot of us come back here and post when we can. No board am I a member of that I know as much about members outside of their screen name than this. Really speaks volumes for the place, and I know the past year and half maybe its grown by leaps and bounds from the smaller board it was to a pretty damn big one with lots of new faces which is great too. Just figured I was due to a gen discussion post before baby or fuzo ban me for being a board troll....