Back in 2011 when my fiancee at that time and I split up, some of you may remember, I was a complete mess.
FIST spent a lot of time with me during the initial months helping me stay alive and sane, and I will never ever forget that!!!

It has been VERY challenging to carry on my life without her, and deep deep down, I wish her and I were to meet and see what could be done to mend things. We ended for all the wrongs reasons, wrong time in my life for a relationship of that caliber, when I had two big businesses to get off the ground, and much of my time was exclusively for the business and not too much for home/fun life.

Now two years later, and two full grown overly successfull businesses, she is not there by my side to enjoy them.

So in the mean time, i dated, broke many hearts last year...but finally met somebody real special. Tomorrow she and I will be together for 4 months.

I am so crazy for her, she makes my sometimes crusty life so easy...and she has gone to hell and back for me a couple of times.
Lets face it, the life of a bodybuilder isint always fun and easy.

So long story short, she is moving in with me next weekend. This is A HUGE step for myself, and for her. because even though I do want somebody in my life, I ALSO KNOW THAT I WANT AND NEED TIME ALONE and I don't always want to be accountable.

What makes me so nervous and what breaks my heart into small pieces is that, IF Lynn came back into the picture.....that my current girlfriend would have to leave my life.
It destroys me to know this fact, but this is how my heart and emotions are placed.

No matter how intense my feelings for my girlfriend may be, Lynn is always there as the number 1.

That's fcked up big time!!!
