This is the question I get most often. Next to how much do you curl bro? But I have came to realize that's not what people really want to know.
And the gym isn't even half of the reason I look the way I look. That should be the question '' How do you get your body like that? ''
I spend only a couple hours a day working out. Sometimes less. I usually have a day off during the week and one on the weekend. So I only am at the gym say 10 hours a week. Now then comes my diet. Meal preps, meal schedule, I eat 7 times a day all those meals have to be prepared and I have to stop 7 times a day and eat. It takes rest to grow so I try to get 8 hours. I get about 6 but I try for 8. I have a full time job. Even my training takes priority there. I have to eat 3 times when im at work but only get two breaks. I carry a gallon of water to drink while im at work. So now I have the weight the diets and meals and my job accounted for. Well I have kids and a girl and people that want me to help them look like me that really just want me to wave a wand. Because after one day with me that dream vanishes because they just thought I took a pill not busted ass. What do I do push them all back so I can focus on training. So if you want to know how much time I spend in the gym. Its 24 hours I sacrifice everything and everyone to train. I look like I look because I bust ass I rest I research I fail I get back up and try harder. 24 hours a day is how much time I spend in the gym.