Bouncer, Teekathy, Ironfist and for those who have been sticking up for me at other boards talking shit about my next cycle. As for those who are(you know who you are, you fkboys ), well if you would of just read how I said this cycle was NOT yet set in stone, well I guess all of you where just to f'ing ignorant to read it or maybe just comprehend it as well. I just can't believe how adults have better nothing to do but talk about my upcoming cycle. OMG. Well If I left anyone out for defending me, sorry to do so. Like I said, I'm a grown ass man and I do what I want, period. I never said I only wanted to gain 10lbs either(someone actually said that in a post.LOL), if that was the case, I would do test at 250mg by itself. Oh well, life move's on right?