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    Thread: Ashamed of what America has become...

    1. #16
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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

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      • Ashamed of what America has become...
      • Ashamed of what America has become...
      • Ashamed of what America has become...
      • Ashamed of what America has become...
      Quote Originally Posted by cb1 View Post
      Grew up in a muslim home. Was taught muslim beliefs as a child. Pictures of him in the clothes. Bows down to to muslim leaders. Takes every oportunity to screw over Israel. He may not be a traditional practicing muslim but there is certainly a favor for it.
      I appreciate that. Thanks for sharing. Have nothing but respect for anyones religion, be they hindu, buddhist, hare krishna, christian, etc etc etc...I accept them and dont try to change them. Unfortunately, many of my christian friends think that is satan influencing me and that I should be witnessing to everyone and winning souls to Christ and keeping people from burning in hell!!!! LOL

      I have watched video of Obama praising Islam and Allah. Even his accent changes. He knows that he has to be a Christian, ostensibly, or he wouldnt have ever gotten elected. He pretends to be Christian above all else, thats fine if he is, but he is the President, he shouldnt be hiding his religion
      Maybe one day he will come out of the closet and admit he is Islam, toward the end of his destruction of America, oh, I mean his second term.

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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      Quote Originally Posted by AmericanViking View Post
      You guys all have said valid points but the bottom line remains - Hussein Obama is forcing this country down a dark path from which there seems to be no escape.... legalized arrests and detainments with out any warrant or needed reason.... legalized drone attacks on US citizens on US soil... the government's so called right to confiscate your home, property, food, gold, anything they deem necessary... the abilty to seize any water source, fuel source, power supply... taking away our right to bare arms... and the mindless masses just follow the herd to the slaughter....
      Thanks for this post. It is happening. The news is now 90% censored. Mindless masses. The reality is worse than any of the movies recently about the destruction of America.

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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      Quote Originally Posted by AmericanViking View Post
      You guys all have said valid points but the bottom line remains - Hussein Obama is forcing this country down a dark path from which there seems to be no escape.... legalized arrests and detainments with out any warrant or needed reason.... legalized drone attacks on US citizens on US soil... the government's so called right to confiscate your home, property, food, gold, anything they deem necessary... the abilty to seize any water source, fuel source, power supply... taking away our right to bare arms... and the mindless masses just follow the herd to the slaughter....

      You are 100% correct.Thats where the real problems lie brother.Its amazing how blind to this people are today!! Our own gov't takes more and more of our freedoms away each day and more and more of our money while they continue to fill their pockets and no-one does or says anything!!! We're too worried about what criminals rights are being violated!! What child molestors home was searched without a proper search warrant!!!!

      People need to grow a set of balls and stop trying to prove how politically correct they are and stand up for whats right and fight against whats wrong!!!

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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      Quote Originally Posted by F.I.S.T. View Post
      You are 100% correct.Thats where the real problems lie brother.Its amazing how blind to this people are today!! Our own gov't takes more and more of our freedoms away each day and more and more of our money while they continue to fill their pockets and no-one does or says anything!!! We're too worried about what criminals rights are being violated!! What child molestors home was searched without a proper search warrant!!!!

      People need to grow a set of balls and stop trying to prove how politically correct they are and stand up for whats right and fight against whats wrong!!!
      That plus the fact that most of these people are more concerned about what the Kardashians are doing or whats happening on American Idol than whats going on in the real world around them.
      Gotta have that new Apple Ipod!
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      What a waste!!

    5. #20
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      Ashamed of what America has become...

    6. #21
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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      Quote Originally Posted by F.I.S.T. View Post
      Let ne get this out of the way with no disprespect to anyone here as I love you all......................NIGGER,SPIC,DAIGO,MICK KIKE,GUINIE,WETBACK,JEW,KROUT,POLLOCK,WOP!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

      WORDS,they mean nothing.Grow up and deal with it.Do I carw what some idiot calls me???? NO WAY IN HELL!!! I know what I am and what im about!! People who know me,know me to be what I am and what im about.

      Let me quote a scene from the movie Roadhouse."WHAT IF SOMEONE CALLS MY MAMA A WH0RE" which Patrick Swayze answers........"IS SHE??"
      great freaking point fist^^^^^^^ as well as everyone else pointing out great things. last time i checked, unless you are here illegally you are an american. race, creed or nothing else matters, what matters is american. or at least that was the case up until not too long ago. people seem to forget some of the most important things in life like being proud of your rights and freedoms.
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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      great freaking point fist^^^^^^^ as well as everyone else pointing out great things. last time i checked, unless you are here illegally you are an american. race, creed or nothing else matters, what matters is american. or at least that was the case up until not too long ago. people seem to forget some of the most important things in life like being proud of your rights and freedoms.

      You are so right man.Its so sad hearing people being referred to as "AFRICAN AMERICANS" or "SPANISH AMERICANS" or "ITALIAN AMERICANS" or any other friggin american! Your race and your nationalitiy have nothing to do with one another.Or at least they shouldn't!! We are all fukin AMERICANS!!! Stop letting the rich fukin corrupt ass holes use child phycology on you all and get your mind wrapped around this stupid race b/s and off of them STEALING FROM US ALL!! Smoke and mirrors boys and girls.Deflection at its finest.

      Look whether you believe in racism or not,whether you still believe in our country being good or not,whether you believe there are still good politicians or not should not be the concern for us all.Ask yourself this.....DO YOU THINK THE COUNTRY OVERALL HAS BEEN GOING DOWN THE RIGHT PATH AND WHY DO YOU THINK THIS IS? IS THERE CORRUPTION OVER-FLOWING IN OUR GOV'T?? ARE THINGS GETTING BETTER FOR THE WORKING CLASS?? CAN FAMILIES SURVIVE TODAY WITH BOTH PARENTS WORKING MULTIPLE JOBS AND NOT BEING THERE FOR THEIR CHILDREN???

      Whether people want to call it being a "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" or too radical or whatever the powers that be tell you what to think,the questions at hand are......ARE WE IMPROVING AS A COUNTRY? Im not saying that we havent improved in some ways so please dont start saying..."WHAT ABOUT THIS" or "WHAT ABOUT THAT" I said OVERALL IMROVEMENT!! Improvements that will ultimatelly lead us all into a better place!

    8. #23
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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      As a dual citizen of China and America I can tell you what we see from overseas. We see a republican in disguise. Obama has protected the Patriot Act that violates our 4th amendment, has continued drone killings which are highly effective though with more collateral damage, took a Heritage Foundation idea ( an conservative think tank), enacted by a conservative Massachusetts Republican and made it the law of the nation ( the Individual health mandate). His timeline for withdrawing from Afganistan etc. are just time lines set by Bush.

      Personally, as an athiest and a woman , I see him protecting my rights more than the GOP who wish we were non-citizens or consider us communists or demonspawn. Back in China we persecute and torture Christians since they caused the Taiping Rebellion that killed 70 million of us ( way more than 9-11). We admire the fact that this country did not decide to persecute every muslim after 9-11. ( The Taiping rebellion was our 9-11) Which is good since 1/4 of my research collegues are Muslims and my brother works for a software company owned by a MIT graduate Lebanese/Palestinian. My brother would be out of his 6 figure job without it.

      By the way, his handling of the South China Seas island dispute between China ( our economic ally) and Japan ( our political ally) is to be commended. ( I personally think China has the rights to those islands)

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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      I love the fact that equal pay for equal work is now law of the land. When I interviewed over 20 yrs ago I was being offered 20 grand less than my male cointerviewers for the same exact position and hours worked. I had to start my own partnership (which is a pain in the neck when you have zero business eduction). As senior partner I found I made more than my male partners even when I took off 6 weeks for maternity leave. ( I only did so by skipping vacations for 3 yrs preceding it... then my partners took 8 weeks for recovery from open heart surgery and one took 6 weeks after hernia surgery so it was unneccessary agony).

      Female Doctors are Making Less than Male Doctors : US/World : Medical Daily
      The pay discrepancies were not due to women taking more time off or taking on a lower paying specialty like pediatrics.

    10. #25
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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      BAW, Thank you for your post. I found it very interesting. You are clearly an intelegent, educated person. I am surprised at the perspective of others outside our states. I do see that our pesident has carried on with many things that are from the GOP. Myself, I believe there are agendas being carried out that are beyond party lines. I don't consider myself a Republican but I am a conservative with Christian beliefs so the GOP gets my vote MOST of the time. I disagree with your ideas of how the right views women. I agree that equal work for equal pay is right. I have personaly seen minoritys take advantage of their position and get paid for work they couldn't/wouldn't do.
      I guess I don't see the corelation between 9-11 and the Taiping rebellion. I am not much of a historian but I see it more like our civil war. It was from inside unlike 9-11 which was outside forces attacking civilians. Again Im sure you know your history better than I but I think we see it diferent. Correct me if Im wrong but didn't Xiuquan believe he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ? I see that as a nutcase rebellion. Charles Manson thought he was Jesus Christ, so I guess his movement was a Christian movement? I would consider the same thing of Mormonism and Joseph Smith. I hope you dont take any of that as trying to be rude. I seriously respect your opinion but disagree with alot of it but there are many points we can find common ground on.

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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      A country with 500 sects of buddism cannot differentiate between Xiuquan's brand of christianity from mormon christianity, catholicism or jehovas witness .

      Just as most christians can't differentiate crazy buddism like the Fahlangong from say Taoism. Chinese see it as an offshoot of protestantism ( which is why they are more favorable towards the catholics). It's the same argument that 85 million muslims cry out that Alqueda is just as crazy brand of sunnism and for us to stop linking them ( especially the peaceful sufis and bahai muslims) with them so that "christian'" argument that xiuquan's brand of christianity is not "true" christianity does't wash with us chinese. For the record, my country doesn't persecute the muslims on our western border (brand of islam that allows for female Imans actually infuriates Alquada) until they started wanting nationhood like the peaceful Tibetans. Then you become fodder.

      When the right stops wanting to control my fertility and branding athiests as people incapable of being citizens, I will vote for them. As a physician I side with them on their stance on tort reform.

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      The very fact that the Taiping rebellion was due to a protestant missionary convert is why my government has great distrust towards christian missionairies. It really doesn't matter that 9-11 was external and Taiping internal, every missionary is now viewed as a potential to incite another Taiping rebellion, in much the same way Americans view any muslim mosque as harbering future muslim terrorists. Both are irrational fears, but from a psycologist's viewpoint, it's not. What infuriates me is that most missionaries go to China without reading up on this very critical rebellion, the largest in history of mankind, whose deaths was only eclipsed by World War II.

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      By the way, between the Opium wars ( incited by the Brits) and Taiping rebellion, you can understand why China became very isolated from and distrustful of the West, until Deng Xiao Ping came along and reversed that paranoia and now we love anything American. China is probably one of the few places in the world where being an American is an assett, not a liability.

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      Default Re: Ashamed of what America has become...

      Quote Originally Posted by bandaidwoman View Post
      By the way, between the Opium wars ( incited by the Brits) and Taiping rebellion, you can understand why China became very isolated from and distrustful of the West, until Deng Xiao Ping came along and reversed that paranoia and now we love anything American. China is probably one of the few places in the world where being an American is an assett, not a liability.

      China loves for the fact the america owes the largest portion of our national debt to them.LOL

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      • Ashamed of what America has become...
      • Ashamed of what America has become...
      • Ashamed of what America has become...
      Good points, well taken. I don't understand how the right wants to control fertility. I consider myself part of the right and I have never felt atheists are incapable of being citizens. I have several friends that I work with who are atheist or agnostic. We work together and go out for dinner or other activities. I know people who are athiest that are better citizens and have better morals than some of my friends who are calling themselves Christians. Its not my job to make anyone believe anything. Its a free Country to believe as you see fit. In my mind God gives us all that free will to believe or reject him. That doesnt make you a good or bad person either way. I dont believe in the god of islam or buddism but I know many of its people live a more pure life than I do.

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