In this fake little world of computers we have created in ourselves (speaking as a people as a whole) this "big man" behind a computer syndrome. I am constantly blown away by people on the Internet in whatever capacity from boards, Facebook, linkedIn, and on such an array of different genres, professions, etc etc...

People feel safe being puffy, bullying, rude, threatening, demeaning, etc because they are safe behind their computer where they can't get ***** slapped or ass whooped!

In all my years on FG I have never seen that happen here. As a mod here I will strive to keep it that way. We are all entitled to opinions, theories, conjecture, but that does not give anyone the right to belittle or demean...

My mom used to tell me "once you start yelling your point will never be made"...I think that same theory rings true and we should apply it to how we treat others online...

FG keep rocking!