NaturalNews) It's been called a "revolution in film" by The Huffington Post. Top director Oliver Stone has said it is a "provocative" production that "makes you think."

When American Empire: An Act of Collective Madness premiered in October at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, it received instant accolades as "the most controversial movie of the year...and quite possibly the decade" from Screen Daily. The movie critic magazine went on to describe the film as "a gripping provocative analysis of the current state of the U.S.," and a production that "clearly and concisely presents unpalatable facts."

Produced and directed by Patrea Patrick and Jack Tucker, the film "is a documentary about the hidden forces that are controlling America and the world, and how this affects you, your children and your grandchildren," according to a description posted online by the makers.

"The best way to get the truth these days is not from the media," the film description continues. "It's from documentaries like this. In this gripping film, people are willing to reveal information that is being withheld from the public."

"This film reveals the world as it really is and you will no longer be able to accept the lies being told to you," it says.

'Path of collective madness'

The filmmakers said they traveled the country interviewing scores of experts in their respective fields to give moviegoers a vision of "what has corrupted the American dream."

Patrick, according to the film's site, is a Los Angeles-based filmmaker who studied her craft at California State University. She has worked on a number of short film projects; American Empire is her feature debut as a director.

Tucker; meanwhile, is an Emmy-nominated editor who was the first recipient of the Robert Wise Award for Promoting the Art and Craft of Film Editing. The documentary's website goes on to say that Tucker has been a producer, director or sound editor on a number of films including "Winds of War," "Shogun," "Godfather 3," "Days of Thunder," and "The Butcher's Wife."

This powerful new film, which is set to "debut in the United States in L.A. Dec. 14 and New York City a week later, Dec. 21, says it "connects the dots to what's happening in America, and the world." (American Empire - Screenings & Details)

Truly, says Patrick, "the path of the American empire is an act of collective madness." From the gigantic bailouts of the country's largest banks to the destruction of the economy through corporate and government ties to genetically modified foods and global ecosystems, "the world as we know it is screaming for help."

The film makes a point that there quite simply are not enough resources remaining for the country to continue down its current path. Also, the filmmakers say, the country's "resources are being turned into commodities." Experts interviewed by Patrick, who narrates the film, charge that both debt and inflation are being manipulated by Wall Street.

'The future is what we make it'

"Why do we give them that power?" asks John Robbins, the only son of the founder of the Baskin-Robbins ice cream corporation who has become widely recognized as one of the world's leading experts on the dietary link with the environment and health. "Wall Street, WTO (World Trade Organization), the World Bank and the industrial military complex rule. 'We the people' are silenced."

"It is a big story and no one had connected the dots of what and whom controls our economics, our resources and the world," Patrick told Lisa Paul Streitfeld of HuffPo. "So, I put it into a film that can teach us to stop being taken down this path of no return."

Patrick worked on the film for the past five years - three in research and two actually writing, filming and editing it.

"The future is what we make it. I couldn't face my kids when they ask what were you doing when this all came down. Action taken now can be the defining moment. This film connects the dots of the spider web of corruption destroying our planet and ruining our lives," she said.

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