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  • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
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    Thread: Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

    1. #1
      Born2Juice4Ever's Avatar
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      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      Hey all,

      Just wanted to make a post in relevance to love hahahahahh

      I was engaged up until November 2011. She and I broke up for all the wrong reasons...together for 2 years.
      We lived together, she competed in the past, wore the same shoes...ate same meals----attached by the belly cord and happy for the most part.

      So I have been in hell the last 11 months, f cking hell to be honest.
      From the last I heard back in May she is not in a good place either---we have mutual friends.

      ...I have met 4 amazing chicks that have entered the ring with me the last months, and they all end up 'decapitated' and with the excuse that I am not over my ex.

      There is not a single moment of my life when I am not thinking of her....so all those 4 'perfect' matches have been sent to hell.

      So comes along this chick that was introduced to me by a friend....she fits the bill of what I am want in my life (call me superficial, but I know what works for me)....and all of the suddent I want to move on and give her a true chance.

      In my heart, if my ex contacted me I would go with her again. How unfair for this chick I just met.
      I know my ex is also not waiting, but aware that I could contact her again---but either one of us takes the chance....so we carry on.

      The new chick has all the elements I search and want in a partner...long term partner.

      I guess I am ready to move on. Or is this me trying to patch up and cover the sun with one finger???

      A river cuts through rock, NOT because of its strength, but because of its consistency...so let's f----ing do this bros!!!

      Born2Juice4Ever biochemically designed for the people, by the people!

    2. #2
      DieselXT's Avatar
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      Default Re: Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      Hey bro I'll tell you a similar experience I had........I was going out with this chick for 3 years and thought amazing things about her and she was with me through hard times in my life, with my
      brothers death and other things. She supported me in BBing and was cool...But after a while things just went down hill I mean I wasn't a very good boyfriend im not going to lie....I would leave her at her college and then go with other chicks, kind of a dick move but w.e......After we would break up and get back together but after doing bad things to each other.....I loved her dont get me
      wrong she was the love of my life and sometimes I do think of her but its over with. The best thing I did was get out of that relationship because it wasn't taking me anywhere! When we officially
      broke up I ended it with her because I just saw it wasn't doing me and her any good...It hurt me im not going to lie I cried so many nights feeling sad but I had to get over it....My friends did not
      like her at all but I didn't care....At the end I would be with different women everyday and just see which one was my best fit.......I may sound like a player lol but I wasn't the type of guy to let a
      girl slide if she liked me lol....IDK where im going with this lol....I feel your pain man I really do! It hurts but my best advice is look for other girls and date more bro their will be this one special
      lady that will make you forget everything!!!!!It does hurt in the beginning but brother it gets better and makes us stronger! Your not the only guy that this has happened to!....I am here for you
      brother and I know everyone else is!!!!

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      Brother we all think that our ex was the "love of our lives" but if that were so they wouldn't be x's. That passion and love for someone that is not meant to be with you is a waste of your emotions bro.You have to want someone is WORTHY OF YOU.You have to love YOURSELF first and once you do have that love,make sure you know WHAT you love about yourself and not just conceitedness.AM I WHAT I WANT IN SOMEONE ELSE is what you should ask yourself everyday.If I were to die tomorrow can I be proud of who I am and what ive done with my life! When you know this and have this love within yourself,you have to want the one you wish to marry and/or spend the rest of your life with to have the same qualities or at least as close to them as possible.You have to ask "IS SHE WORTHY OF ME AND MY LOVE??

      You keeping feelings for someone in the PAST and losing out on a possible future love is foolish my friend.As you've already stated,you've met ladies that have met what you want in a partner but have lost it because of your ex? Its not fair to them or YOU.You have to put the past in the PAST.SHE is the past! Forget her and move on.Why even waste your thoughts,your emotions,your time and your life saying that if she asked you to come back you would???? What are you her charity work??? You're much better than that brother.From all the yrs ive seen you and talked to you on the boards,you're a good person and deserve much better? Who the heck is she to have you wishing for her??

      Look my friend,im not trying to sound like a dick and im sorry if I come across that way but in my 50 yrs on the planet ive learned that love,"TRUE LOVE" (not the shit love that you see on Jerry Springer) has to be EARNED!!! The word love is tossed around so much today when its obviously not understood.How can you "love" someone that hurt you? Hurt you enough to break up! Obviously there are/were reasons why couples break up so there could be no better proof that the love is GONE! For me to love someone there has to be a reason.They have to be worthy of my love and I of theirs.Love for a dream is what many confuse for the reality."I WISH I COULD BE WITH HER", "I WISH SHE WOULDN'T CHEAT" , "I WISH SHE DIDN'T GO OUT ALL THE TIME AND LEAVE ME HOME" , " I WISH I WISH I WISH!!!!!!" Goes the same for girls and guys.Stop wishing for something that is not and living in this love of a dream" and accept the reality and move on.Put that love into someone who deserves it and will give it back to you.

      If you make a list of all the positive things about you and then compare it to a list that you make of the one you are with or thinking of getting involved with,see how close they are.See how many of the criteria you DEMAND in a partner she has.This list has to always be reviewed throughout your relationship as over time many of these things can change.This way,if things do start to go in a different direction you can talk with your partner BEFORE they get out of hand and possibly prevent them from going too far wrong.

      You're a good person brother and deserve someone to make you happy and will treat you as you would treat them.To give you the love that you have for them.Don't settle and don't ruin your own life for an obvious mistake.Your ex was a mistake.Learn from it and put that knowledge into your next relationship.

      Much love & respect for you bro.Not in a gay way,so dont get any ideas.Im happily married.LMAO

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      Default Re: Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      I say give the new chick a good honest shot. If she makes you forget about your x, then maybe that in itself is the answer. If in a couple on months your still feeling the same way let her go and call your x. What do you have to lose

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      I would do everything you possibly can to put the ex out of your mind and move on.
      I went thru that kind of hell before after a breakup. Yes,its hell.MY biggest regret? All the time I spent hurting over the ex before I finally moved on and met someone every bit as good and better than the chick I was hurting so bad over.
      Good luck. This place here is a good place to taLK about these things and gain some perspective.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      ^^^ i could no agree more with D on this!!!!!!!!!! well said bro

    7. #7
      3Vandoo's Avatar
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      Default Re: Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      women are evil! PERIOD
      three doodoo is back! Hide your women!

    8. #8
      hoyle21's Avatar
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      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?

      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      • Moving on from a past love relationship--is it possible?
      I've always believed the best way to get over the last one, is with the next one.

      Make your ex not an option, and see if this girl can fulfill you.

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