Hey all,

Just wanted to make a post in relevance to love hahahahahh

I was engaged up until November 2011. She and I broke up for all the wrong reasons...together for 2 years.
We lived together, she competed in the past, wore the same shoes...ate same meals----attached by the belly cord and happy for the most part.

So I have been in hell the last 11 months, f cking hell to be honest.
From the last I heard back in May she is not in a good place either---we have mutual friends.

...I have met 4 amazing chicks that have entered the ring with me the last months, and they all end up 'decapitated' and with the excuse that I am not over my ex.

There is not a single moment of my life when I am not thinking of her....so all those 4 'perfect' matches have been sent to hell.

So comes along this chick that was introduced to me by a friend....she fits the bill of what I am want in my life (call me superficial, but I know what works for me)....and all of the suddent I want to move on and give her a true chance.

In my heart, if my ex contacted me I would go with her again. How unfair for this chick I just met.
I know my ex is also not waiting, but aware that I could contact her again---but either one of us takes the chance....so we carry on.

The new chick has all the elements I search and want in a partner...long term partner.

I guess I am ready to move on. Or is this me trying to patch up and cover the sun with one finger???