Last night I stopped by this friends house and he and his girlfriend were roasting some peppers and gave me a big bag full. They warned me to be careful because theseare some special extreme peppers from mexico will burn the shit out of your mouth unless you cut it with some ground beef. Well, I had just read a post on here from baby1 about the healthbenefits of peppers, so I decided to say screw the hamburger and just eat them straight out of the bag while I was driving home. OUCH!!!!! Talk about a freakin wake up. My mouth and tongue felt like a nuclear meltdown. I drank some water and as soon as the fire was out, I started eating more. I went thru 6 large peppers last night and today I am eating them like a piece of fruit and eating the whole damn pepper right down to the stem. They are amazing. Its like a painful addiction LOL After a while your mouth gets used to it and They dont burn as bad now, so I am going to try some even hotter peppers next time. When I told that guy how I was eating the peppers straight he couldnt believe it LOL
Whats the hottest pepper you ever ate?