My brother and i had dinner last night. been a very long time just the 2 of us. he was bragging that he was going to go to some hard core survival training course somewhere in the N. California mountains. you know the kind, eating bugs primitive fire making skills ect. (we are competitive, he knew what i would say.)

i said "not without me dumbass" ............. as i thought to myself, "self, i like a soft bed, good food, and comfortable temperatures..........."

I am going to have to hike to 6000 feet in elevation in the fall (think 20F at night.) build my own shelter, survive on only what i can find for 3 days and 2 nights and pay a guy to torture me?

adventure...... that's what i was thinking! i am going to regret my commitment to this, but dammit i will remember it forever.

Oh my brother also said this was the 1st of 2 courses. the second is in the amazon. next year? ( i hate mosquitoes)