This is just my analysis of the diet and I think you should obviously do your share of research not just this write up.

CKD Keto:

This is how I see CKD keto after researching for weeks and reading every article I could find on the diet. First and foremost it is not a Low Carb diet it is essentially a no carb diet and that is what makes the difference. In a low carb diet your body still relies on carbs for energy and since you have low carbs you have low energy. This reflects in ur gym and daily routine and ultimately can lead to failure of the diet. Getting your carb count below 20g a day will shift your body into Ketosis, where your body will turned stored fat into keytones which it then uses for energy. The greatest thing about this is you have plenty of stored fat and therefore tons of energy no more lethargic diet feeling. On top of that your stored fat will literally melt off. The amount of carbs you can take in and remain in ketosis does range from person to person so you will need a little trial and error, however 20 is a good benchmark, and I was eating 11g of carbs on my diet. The less the better imo. Some people I read were still in ketosis with 30g but not everyone can pull that off. I have been on Keto for 5 weeks and I’m down 12lbs and strength hasn’t dropped off one bit. Energy is higher than I’ve had in years. I recommend doing lots of research on the diet before starting however this is my experience.
To figure out what needs to be done you need to perform some calculations. For example:
Bodyweight 172lbs @ 20% BF
Maintanence calories – (172 * 15) 2,580
Less: 500 calorie deficit (max you want bc of risk of loss of LBM)
Total calories while on Keto 2,080.
Since keto is a goal of 65% fat calories/35% protein calories you take total cals * .65 = 1,528 fat cals
1,528 cals from fat / 9 (cals in 1 gram fat) = 170g fat target
2,080 – 1,528 = 552 cals from protein, which will also equal your lean body mass in grams (172# * 20% = 138# LBM) and 552 cals / 4 (cals in 1 gram of protein) 138 grams of protein.
Now you got to be careful with protein bc a lot of keto failures come from people taking in too much protein which your body will burn instead of keytones. You’re not going to hit these 65/35 targets exact however get as close as you can. The workouts need to be intense with keto and you will want to start with the major body parts on Mon and Tuesday when you have your most energy. Wednesday should be a dedicated cardio only day, with Thursday being legs and Friday morning being cardio with an evening session of light duty 1 to 2 sets per exercise for every body part. Your body is pretty drained by Friday so it is a light duty workout. Now for the fun part: The great part about CKD keto is your carb up and this is the proper way to do it:
Eat 2 pieces of fruit 2-3 hrs before your Friday night workout, after your workout have a protein shake with it least 50g of protein in it. Your amount of carbs varies depending on your lean body mass. You want 10g of carbs for every kg in LBM. For example 138# * 2.2 = 63kg * 10 = 630g of carbs during carb day. Now how you get these carbs is very important. You want 100g of liquid carbs on Friday night post workout (used cranberry juice). Then the remaining the following day however try and keep fat as low as possible or your total calories for the day will be insane and you will add too much weight on your carb day. I did that the first carb day and gained 4.5lbs which took to long to burn off, and after that I only gained 1-2 lbs on my carb day. I ate a lot of cereal and bagels to get my carbs up and of course cranberry juice as well. Your ideal goal for fat on carb day is 1g for every kg of LBM so for example above would be 63g of carbs. It is preferred you don’t do cardio on carb day; you will be way too stuffed anyway. The carb day will restore the glycogen levels in your body and within a few days of keto you will exhaust them and be back in ketosis. I used the 500 calorie deficit because I could only make it 2x a week for cardio, but if you do more cardio let that create your calorie deficit. I’m not an expert at this but I did do approx 20hrs of reading everything to come up with this. If anyquestions let me know.