What Is Chondroitin?

Chondroitin is a component of human connective tissues that are found in joint cartilage and bone. A form of chondroitin, known as chondroitin sulfate, is sold as a dietary supplement, often in combination with other ingredients. In supplements, the chondroitin sulfate usually is derived from bovine (cow) trachea or pork by-products.

Medicinal Uses for Chondroitin

According to the Arthritis Foundation, chondroitin is believed to enhance shock-absorbing characteristics of collagen and block enzymes that break down cartilage. It may help cartilage retain water and when used together with glucosamine, chondroitin may reverse cartilage loss.

Based on early clinical trial results, it appeared that chondroitin could reduce pain and possibly slow disease progression of osteoarthritis. The problem: There were inconsistent results from early trials and those early trials were said to be of moderate to poor quality.

More recent trials -- those published after 2005 -- have essentially been negative. An analysis of all chondroitin studies showed the supplement lessened pain. But when only high-quality studies were analyzed, chondroitin lacked any true benefit. The GAIT Primary and Ancillary results were long awaited clinical trial results that turned out negative, other than perhaps for a small sub-group of patients. The GAIT trials looked at the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in combination.

Availability of Chondroitin

Chondroitin is available in capsules, tablets and powder. Chondroitin is often sold in combination with glucosamine. The typical dosage used in clinical trials is 800 to 1,200 mg of chondroitin daily, taken in two or four divided doses.

Precautions and Warnings for Chondroitin

There are a few warnings associated with chondroitin:

Chondroitin tablets may contain high levels of manganese, possibly posing a problem with longterm use.
Chondroitin could possibly be contaminated during the manufacturing process, as it is isolated from animal products such as beef. There is a theoretical association with Mad Cow disease but no cases have been reported.
There may be increased risk of bleeding if chondroitin is taken with NSAIDs.
If you have an allergy to sulfonamides, discuss chondroitin with your doctor, who may wish to start you on a lower dose.
Diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain are other possible side effects of chondroitin.
The Bottom Line

The evidence to support the use of chondroitin is inconsistent. There is no clear advantage of chondroitin over glucosamine sulfate. There is also no clear advantage from combining chondroitin with glucosamine versus glucosamine alone. There may be a modest benefit of chondroitin use for a limited number of patients.