I’m kinda confused with all the aakg, citrulline and b-alanine sups.

I’m not really interested in pumps as such, I don’t see the purpose of ‘m and they tend to be more of a nuisance than a blessing, and they just disappear anyway.

I do however have a lot of lactic acid build-up, both during strength and cardio training. I also have a low VO2-max, which despite years of cardio doesn't seem to improve that much. So what I’m actually looking for is a) more oxygen for my muscles and b) effective lactic acid buffering.

If you read various info here and there, all 3 components seem to have something to do with this, and, depending on the brand, the same ingredients are either promoted for pumps and/or for more oxygen and/or lactic acid buffering.

So what would I take best for what I want.

Does anyone have experience with these things? Were results noticeable?

What are great brands that combine all? I now have all these 3 elements seperately from 3 different brands, unfortunately all with different times at when to take ‘m in, which is kinda silly.

And what are best doses, since info on this seems to vary as well. In Belgium we have EPS from maximize. One dose contains:

Citruline malate 2040 mg
L-Valine 1670 mg
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate 1500 mg
L-Arginine AKG 1500 mg
L-leucine 1220 mg
L-Isoleucine 1140 mg
Beta Alanine 1000 mg
Kalium/ potassium 600 mg
Natrium/ sodium 375 mg
L-histidine 250 mg
Magnesium 120 mg

but they only suggest to take one such dose 45 minutes prior to a workout.

In other info you read doses lots higher and taken even on non-workout days.