Could someone give me more info on eating low carbs to lose body fat quickly? I looked into the CKD diet but I just dont see how it will fit into my life style. I would have to modify my 3 day split (mon, wed, fri) into something different (because of carb up days) and its just not possible for me.

I can go without carbs, but whats the best way to do it? I want to lose bodyfat as quick as possible, without huge muscle loss.

I workout on mon, wed, and fri, and usually try to do my cardio 4 times a week on an empty stomach. If someone could give me an idea of *what* to eat, that would be a big help too.

I am trying to get cut as fast as possible so I can begin a bulk cycle in the next 4 weeks. I am at about 18% bf now.

Any help you could offer would be much appreciated!
