Vitamin E is a water-soluble vitamin that can be found naturally in many different foods. Individuals who eat a well-balanced diet will generally be able to obtain the amounts of vitamin E needed for a healthy body. Vitamin E is located within foods such as apricots, pumpkins, mustard and turnip greens, pumpkin and certain multi-grain foods like wheat germ and multi-grain cereal. Poultry, fish, nuts and seeds also contain quantities of this essential vitamin. There are a multitude of benefits of vitamin E.

One of the primary benefits of Vitamin E is its protective qualities. Vitamin E actually works to protect Vitamin A against damage by free radicals; the substances known to possibly cause cancer. Vitamin E also works in protecting the body’s membranes and defends the body against tissue damage. Due to the fact that vitamin E protects the body’s red blood cells, it is critical in protecting the body against developing anemia. Additionally, vitamin E is essential in improving the body’s human system. Another benefit of vitamin E is blood pressure control and is also known to assist the body with lowering blood sugar.

Vitamin E is also important in supporting healthy skin and nails. While it is rare for individuals to develop vitamin E deficiencies due to the fact that it is so commonly found within natural food sources, there have been a few rare cases sited. The symptoms primarily include nighttime muscle cramps and have appeared in some infants. It is believed that infants may be born deficient in vitamin E because it is difficult for the mother’s system to transfer the necessary amounts of vitamin E to the baby during pregnancy. Individuals who have diseases of the liver, eat diets comprised mainly of highly processed foods, or have gallbladder problems may be at risk for a deficiency in vitamin E.

One of the advantages of vitamin E is its ability to assist the body in thinning blood; however in individuals who are about to undergo surgery or who are taking anti-coagulant medication, this benefit of vitamin E can actually result in a dangerous side effect. It is not recommended to exceed daily recommended allowances of vitamin E.

While there are numerous benefits of vitamin E, if taken in excessive amounts, negative side effects can result. Vitamin E is available in supplemental forms as an oil and lotion that is primarily intended for improving skin conditions and the appearance of scars.