The Saw Palmetto, a palm tree native to North America, takes its common name from the saw toothed stems located on each individual palm leaf. There are numerous saw palmetto benefits.

Saw Palmetto benefits include treatments for persistent coughs, digestive problems as well as relief from benign prostatic hyperplasia; known as BPH. Specifically, Saw Palmetto assists with treating the side effects of BPH, such as frequent urination, blocked exit of the urine from the bladder and several other uncomfortable symptoms. An oily secretion from the berry of the Saw Palmetto plant is thought to treat these symptoms by inhibiting further growth of the enlarged prostate. Men who have taken Saw Palmetto for the purpose of treating BPH have reported a reduction in painful urination as well as minimized sensations of a full bladder. Some researches believe this may be accomplished an anti-inflammatory ability of the plant to restrain hormones such as testosterone. Testosterone is thought to contribute to multiplication of prostate cells. There has also been speculation that the plant may play a vital role in protecting men against the development of prostate cancer. The plant is a popular treatment for BPH due to the fact that it is typically much lower priced than other medications, tends to work much more quickly and is less likely to cause reduced sexual drive and impotence.

There are relatively few known side effects of Saw Palmetto. In rare cases there have been reports of abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea and headache as well as reduced sexual drive and in some cases, impotence. In extremely rare cases, there have been reports of male breast enlargement. Some side effects, such as upset stomach and nausea, may be reduced by eating a meal when taking Saw Palmetto.

Saw Palmetto is available in the forms of tincture, tablet, capsule, tea and a softgel. The maximum Saw Palmetto benefits can be achieved from products that contain at least 85% of the active ingredients of Saw Palmetto berries-fatty acids and sterols. The tea form is the least beneficial, as it is difficult for the oily compounds contained within the Saw Palmetto plant to dissolve in water.