10 Super Foods For better health

Number 1: Sweet Potatoes
A nutritional All-Star- one of the best vegetables you can eat. They are loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
Number 2: Grape Tomatoes
They are sweeter and firmer that other tomatoes, and their bite size shape makes them perfect for snacking, dipping or salads. They are also loaded with vitamin C and vitamin A, and you also get fiber and phytochemicals.
Number 3: Fat-Free Milk
Excellent source of calcium, vitamins and protein with little or no artery clogging fat or cholesterol.
Number 4: Blueberries
They’re rich in fiber, vitamin c and antioxidants
Number 5: Wild Salmon
The omega-3 fat in fatty fresh fish like wild salmon can help reduce the risk of a sudden- death heart attacks. And salmon that is caught wild has less dioxin than fresh- farmed salmon.
Number 6: Crispbreads
Whole-grain rye crackers, like Wasa, Ry Krisp, and Ryvita- usuallly called crisp breads-are loaded with fiber and often fat-free
Number 7: Microwaveable or "10 minute" Brown Rice
With white rice, you lose the fiber, magnesium, vitamins E, and B6, copper, zinc, and all of the phytochemicals in the whole grain.
Number 8: Watermelon
Excellent source of vitamin C and carotenoids- and it tastes great!
Number 9: Diced Butternut Squash
A growing number of food stores sell peeled, seeded cut and ready to go into the over, into a stir fry, or into a soup or risotto, that is – bags of diced butternut squash. Every half cup has 5 grams of fiber and payloads of vitamin A and C.
Number 10: Pre-washed, Pre-cut bags of greens
Greens like Kale, spinach, and broccoli rabe are nutritional power house. Most are loaded with vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium, folate, potassium, and fiber.