i am trying to lose as much bodyfat as possible in the shortest amount of time just like most everyone else. im 5'10 and around 185 lbs. im thinking im between 10 and 12% bodyfat. i take in around 180 grams of protein a day through basically myoplex, chicken, and tuna. i weight train 5 days a week for about 35 minutes. id say my intensity level during my training sessions is at an 8 out of 10. my question to you is what do you think the ideal number of calories should be that i take in for maximum fat loss while still maintaining a good amount of lean mass?

also keep in mind i work 6 to 8 hours a day at a retail store (which explains why almost half my foods are meal replacements. i am constantly standing or walking around the whole time.

you guys have a great thing going here with this board and i really appreciate any effort into my question. thank you!