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      well here is what i ahve came up with

      Biotest 4-ADec
      19 nor androstack 2
      Sport lab-Plasmavol
      Optimium Whey

      just wanted to see what you guys thought. Im looking to put on some weight. If there is anything missing that should be in my cycle please advise.

    2. #2
      YellowJacket's Avatar
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      Oh man.... You could do A LOT better. If you're looking for overall mass go with:

      BDC Nutrition's 1-T Pro (1-Test/4-AD transdermal)
      Opimum 100% Whey

      *And with the shitload of money you save you can go with some creatine, liver tabs ( or multi) and flax oil. Of course you will need a post cycle recovery supplement as well, maybe 6-OXO (will be the most expensive thing on the list)

      Many people have done the stack above with stellar results.....

      Just a suggestion brother, Best of luck, YJ

    3. #3
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      C'mon man stop trying to sell your products and bullshit. I just wanted someones honest opinion on something thats has to do with my body quit trying to make money off here and give some good advice.

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      Selling my products? Brother I dont sell products, I dont even use PHs. But if you want to be a prick, go right ahead, I think your originial posts speaks for your credibility and knowledge of the industry. So I'll bow out of this thread and let you waste your money on piss-in-the-wind "Pro Hormones" Best of luck, YJ

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      Ah yes, nevermind. I forgot this is the 19 year old kid eager to use steriods and wants to know how pot effects bodybuilding and would give his left nut to find some EQL products. What was I thinking trying to save him some money?? Never again.

    6. #6
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      awwww. thats cute you can read,but i guess you wern't taught shit about anything you would know that the left nut thing was a fuckin joke and 19 yrs old is just the amount of time that i have spent here on earth i know my time has been spent gaining knowledge and making myself a better person, I can easliy see the picture of you in my head a lonley phat fuck who sits in front of a computer all day role-playing as if he were somebody actually in shape or someone who has made somehting of themselves so you continue on selling your shit and talking shit about other peoples researched intrest.

    7. #7
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      I have already made more of myself at 19 then you have if you had 2 lives you dumb fuck. I don't need any of your bullshit. how many companies do you own? hmm thats what i thought sounds like you used your years reall well yellow, well tolet you know i have 2 E buisnesses that are binging in plenty of dought to sit on. " Put that in your pipe and smoke it"


    8. #8
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      lol that was fun. thankz dumbshit

    9. #9
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      Interesting coming from someone who wants to know how pot effects bodybuilding.....

    10. #10
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      Originally posted by Dr Gonzo
      awwww. thats cute you can read,but i guess you wern't taught shit about anything you would know that the left nut thing was a fuckin joke.

      No sir, I have no formal education, You're right. Maybe you should re-check your spelling and grammatical mistakes before you put someone else's intelligence on trial.

      and 19 yrs old is just the amount of time that i have spent here on earth i know my time has been spent gaining knowledge and making myself a better person, I can easliy see the picture of you in my head a lonley phat fuck who sits in front of a computer all day role-playing as if he were somebody actually in shape or someone who has made somehting of themselves so you continue on selling your shit and talking shit about other peoples researched intrest.
      Even for 19, your maturiy level is quite lackluster and your knowledge is struggling also. That "stack" you "reasearched" is pathetic. I sell nothing nor have any interest in your life or gains, simply was trying to save you money and help you out. But I can tell you're another one of those know it all teens I try to avoid. I myself have done quite well in two competitions, and at only 24 I consider myself in stellar physical shape and will only continue to get bigger. By the looks of that horrible stack you put together, you have a lot of catching up to do.

      I have already made more of myself at 19 then you have if you had 2 lives you dumb fuck. I don't need any of your bullshit. how many companies do you own? hmm thats what i thought sounds like you used your years reall well yellow, well tolet you know i have 2 E buisnesses that are binging in plenty of dought to sit on. " Put that in your pipe and smoke it"

      Im shocked at the name calling from such a shrewd businessman. Oh wait, no Im not, you're not only 19, but you're also full of shit. Maybe you could provide us with some URLs to your businesses. I myself have a degree in Human Nutrition and another in Sports Medicine as well as a Master's of Science in Exercise Physiology. I also have a certification as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and was recently accepted to study for my D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathyology) And as my job, I own a wellness center (Universal Health Club) which serves as a gym, physical therapy/rehab center and an educational lounge. So I only own one business, but maybe you should re-think your previous assumptions as you have no clue about me or my life. You speak with no merit and after reading your posts, its no surprise no one else responds to them, I sure wont make the mistake again.

    11. #11
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      Just to make sure you're as clueless as you sound, I thought Id gather some previous posts:

      thats kool as hell man, I plan on running that same cycle as soon as I kan find it

      Wow, those are neat spellings for poplular words and boy are you asking to be scammed......

      after reading that I do believe that I am ready, Iam 19 years old and have been lifting and dieting since i was 14-15.

      Wow, this one needs to explaination. Pure ignorance.

      where is the cheapest place to get it, & how many calories, proteins, carbs, abd fat is there in it ?

      Something that could be "researched" on your own, oh wait, it appears you have NO idea how to research...

      ok just alittle questin here on what everybody uses. what is your favorite 4-AD brand and what is your favorite creatine mixture and brand?

      Second straight thread you've asked what everyones favorite creatine was....get over the creatine man.

      so i will need clomid and im not sure about how much and when to start it? also will i need nolvadex or anything like that & when should it be administered ?

      I hate to seem like a dick here, but these are commone questions that can be found many places.

      IM not to sure about my body fat but i do not that its not much Im 6 foot 2 and weigh 155.

      And you're passing judgement on my body? Ha, this keeps getting better.
      I was wanting to increase the size of my calves but i really don't know much about spot injections. So is it possible to spot inject into your calves? if so what type of AS would be best to put on some...[/b]

      LMAO. Enough said.
      makes me feel really confident about my first cycle . any other suggestions ? what do you think my gains will be if i follow my workout and diet of 8000 calories a day ? [/b]

      I hope this was a joke also.....

      thankz for the post im a beginner & i have been looking for threds like this to guide me along my new journey of not being the skinny guy. thankz

      LoL...another good one.

      whats clen ? sorry im lost people just tryin to learn here

      Wow, for a guy who knows so much and puts other people's intelligence on trial, you sure dont know shit. I could go through the last page and a half but Im not trying to be an asshole, just letting you know you should think before you speak. The moral of the story, dont pass judgement on someone you know nothing about. It will come back and bite you in the ass, this thread is a perfect axample.

    12. #12
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      Sorry I lied... I have another point to make......

      what is 1-AD & 4-AD & where is the best place to get it ?
      wow thankz everybody for all your input, by the way im 19 so i know that im ready & have the potential to gain alot of mass. I've been training since i was a sophmore in high school so i have alot of...

      how often should i inject the test and deca

      **All this and you think you are ready to do a real steriod cycle? You are the reason why steriods are but under the hammer so much, people hurting themselves because they have NO idea what they're doing, you have a lot of research and learning to do, but the time you are done, you will certainly be of age to do a steriod cycle, so maybe you should swallow your pride and admit defeat.

    13. #13
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      All I can say brother is do some serious research first man. Roids is some serious shit, if you dont know what your doing you could hurt yourself or if not waste your hard earned money. I dont think you wanna loose the money you'd payed for your gear on not gaining a single pound. I also started at age 19 but it took me about 2 years of research before I knew what I wanted to take. I came from being a skinny phuck to being just big now. Im 21 right now, Im not a know it all when it comes to roids but I do know what works and what doesnt for me. I research first on what I wanna take and then ask opinions about it. Seriously bro just train naturally for a while, get into the groove and then take your gear. You'll be happy with it bro. Cause many people want it the quick way, thinking roids is gonna get you massive. They dont know jack about dieting, rest, or anything like that, Ive seen it here with my buddies. Just cause I know my shit, they wanna follow. What I tell them is done take shit if you dont know what your doing. Its all good bro.

    14. #14
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      I agree with Juice. I've been in and out of the gym for 10 years now and when I first started I was all hyped about getting gear. But this huge as shit dude at the gym said to be cool and train natural for a long time before you even think about crossing that line. And you know what, I've stayed natural and I sleep like a baby at night. Roids do funky shit to your body bro. Know what you are doing before you do it.

    15. #15
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      Hey Yellowjacket, He's just some punk ass kid,

      And the only way he can be tough is by typing mispelled swear words on a frickin computer because he's such a pansy ass thats probably been bullied around his whole life and this is one of his only ways to feel tough...Sad Bro.

      Sorry this is between U2 It just cracks me up.

      Do, or Do Not, There Is No Try!

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