Fitness & Exercise = PLAY
Up to the age of 10, most kids get enough exercise just “running around”. That is unless they are glued to the T.V. or computer screen. To maintain that youthful fitness, it’s important for children to adopt the aerobic exercise habit early.

The key is finding a sport they enjoy and can do aerobically like cycling, swimming, skating, basket ball, or a combination of running, walking, and skipping. Since most schools today lack the resources to meet every student’s fitness needs, parents must take charge and guide their child’s health and fitness development.

The absolute best way to do this is by setting a good example. Children of active parents are more active themselves. Exercise regularly and your kids will follow.

Encourage them to do things they like. If fitness isn’t fun they won’t do it. Watch for what interests them, then provide opportunities. You know your succeeding when fitness becomes play.