Weight Loss Tips: About Being Realistic

What you desire is one thing what is realistic for you to do is another. Going slower often results in getting there sooner and staying there longer.

Weight Loss Tips Reviews. Realism
The numbers at the end of paragraphs are actual pounds lost by the person sharing the tip and the duration of the time they have kept it off (where available).

Go by small steps. What you desire is one thing what's realistic for you to do is another. Going slower often results in getting there sooner and staying there longer. 100 lb. lost in one year.

Can you live with it? It's no good if you can't imagine yourself committed to the changes in diet or exercise for the rest of your life. 80 lb. lost.

Accept the weight you can maintain however far it is from your ideal one. Many weight losers have had to reconsider what they held for their goals. They never reached their theoretically ideal weight but they could maintain what they did reach. 80 lb. lost and kept off for 13 years.

Slow down. This rule is backed up both physiologically and psychologically. Physiologically, rapid weight loss usually means starvation thus triggering the fat storing mechanisms. Psychologically, it gives onetime to adjust to a new life style or make changes in weight loss tactics. 100 lb lost.