I need to cut down my bodyfat

here is My deit

Breakfest(7:30 am)
2 egg whites w/one yolk
3/4 cups of oatmeal w/ once scoop of whey
mutli vit and 1500 mg of vit c

Lunch ( 11:05)
Tin of Tuna w/salsa
1 yogrant w/ scoop of whey
1 tbsp of udo's oil
Glass of water

Mid after noon (1:30)(in class)
17 gram Protein drink

2 peices of chicken,fish,meat etc...
1 cup of green veggies

During work drink
Ice Tea PLasmoval
Post work out drink
35 gram protein drink w/ teaspoon of udo oil

Cardio IN monrings when ever I can
I am going to HIT training, and plus 20 mins cardio after work outs
45 mins of carido on days off

30 mins beofre bed a peiace of chicken,meat/ fish or 4 hard boils eggs

Sportlabs- whey,creatine,eca stack

ps-IAm 200 5'7 bf?? around 19% IAm 17 lifting for 3 years I also I hvae 30 tabs of superclen which I will be using to.